Máster Presencial en Ingeniería Logística y Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro (ZLOG)

El programa presencial Máster en Ingeniería Logística y Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro (ZLOG) es un título de alta calidad impartido en un entorno global que prepara a sus graduados para ser competentes tanto en la resolución de problemas como en el cambio de liderazgo. ¡Solicita tu plaza!

El Máster es impartido por ZLC, un instituto de investigación y educación afiliado al Instituto de Tecnología de Massachusetts (MIT) y la Universidad de Zaragoza. Además, ZLC pertenece a la red MIT Global SCALE, una alianza de 6 centros de investigación líderes en EE. UU., España, Colombia, Luxemburgo, China y UK, dedicada al desarrollo de la cadena de suministro y la excelencia logística a través de la innovación.







¿Por qué especializarse en Cadena de Suministro?

Las cadenas de suministro ofrecen una capacidad central, permitiendo a las empresas controlar parte del mercado y operar de manera rentable. Por lo tanto, el sector se está convirtiendo en un punto clave para la búsqueda de talento. Una amplia gama de industrias en todo el mundo están contratando a nuestros graduados para implementar el conocimiento y la experiencia adquirida del programa. Estos trabajos abarcan una variedad de sectores y también son reconocidos por ofrecer carreras internacionales.

Simplemente hay más en oferta: más puestos de trabajo, más diversidad de roles y más opciones para llevar tu trayectoria profesional donde desees.

MIT Supply Chain Management Program


"Hoy en día las Operaciones de las multinacionales se expanden por todos los continentes y tienen un alcance global. Nuestra red Global Scale refleja esta estructura - preparamos estudiantes para afrontar el entorno global altamente exigente que define actualmente los negocios internacionales."

Dr. Yossi Sheffi
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Director del Centro para el transporte y la Logística

El Máster en Ingeniería en Logística y Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro (ZLOG) ofrece la combinación única de un grado de cadena de suministro de clase mundial que se imparte en un entorno verdaderamente global. Creado en 2004 en colaboración con la universidad líder en el campo, el Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts (MIT), este programa prepara para impactar en una amplia gama de industrias en todo el mundo.

De un Vistazo

   Comienzo: Agosto

  Idioma: Ingles

  Ubicación: Campus ZLC, Zaragoza, España (9 meses), Campus MIT, Massachusetts, EE.UU.(3 semanas en enero)

   Duración: 10 meses, programa a tiempo completo

   Créditos: 90 créditos ECTS

  Certificado: Máster de Ingeniería en Logística y Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro por la Universidad de Zaragoza (Máster de Formación Permanente) y Certificado en Logística y Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro por la red MIT Global Scale


  • A Term – August to December
  • Mid August: Arrival in Zaragoza, Spain , ZLC Registration
  • Third week of August : ZLC Orientation & Preparatory Sessions
  • First week of September: A Term begins
  • Third week of December: A Term finishes
  • B Term - January
  • Three weeks in January: ZLOG arrive in Cambridge, B Term Scale Connect
  • C Term – February
  • Mid-May: Submit Final Thesis
  • Third week of May: Deadline to submit Thesis Executive Summary & Presentation
  • May 29-30 (tentative): Research Fest
  • First week of June: Commencement Ceremony
  • Orientation: Team Building and Career Workshops
  • Preparatory Sessions: Mathematics and Finance
  • Logistics Systems:
This course provides the students with an understanding of how logistics systems behave. Critical factors (costs, variability, labor/space/financial constraints) have a significant impact on the system performance. Commonly used transportation network optimization, routing and scheduling with inventory consideration, capacity management, flow management principles and push/pull systems are discussed. The ultimate goal is to equip students with the necessary tools to improve the system performance (i.e., increasing throughput, improving customer service) in a supply chain setting given the constraints.
  • Inventory Systems:
This course provides one of the key building blocks for an in- depth understanding of supply chain management issues. Students learn the key tradeoffs involved in making supply chain decisions using quantitative models and the strategic insights derived from them. Key areas covered include demand forecasting, inventory theory and control, and models of sourcing and procurement.
  • Analytical Methods:
The emphasis is on developing the ability to identify and use the appropriate technique for practical application rather than the underlying theory. It will enable the students to think structurally about decision problems and become intelligent users of management science techniques. The course builds from a basis of calculus, probability, & statistics to introduce fundamental modeling frameworks, such as math programming, networks, queuing, and simulation. Spreadsheet based models are used extensively throughout the course to make it more relevant and rewarding for the students.
  • Supply Chain Information Systems:
This course offers a practical basis to understand basic architectures and specific requirements of Supply Chain Information Systems (SCIS), enabling students to specify and develop logistics and SCM software on a conceptual level, to evaluate and select systems, and to investigate new concepts and technologies such as XML, BPML, Web services, andWorkflow Management.
  • Financial Systems and Supply Chain Management:
This course links supply chain management to the systems and objectives of the corporation. Topics include tools and frameworks for financial and economic analysis, activity based costing, international financial flows, and taxation. Students learn to define their role in an organization, analyze the position of a corporation in the marketplace, leverage financial information for decision making, and value the impact of supply chain effectiveness on financial performance.
  • Supply Chain Analytics:
This course reinforces the quantitative skills needed to make good supply chain decisions. Common probability and statistics tools such as the Bayes' theorem, probability distributions, point estimation, statistical intervals, hypothesis testing, ANOVA, linear regression, are linked to the operations and supply chain problems. Students focus on these topics as the first building block for the quantitative models and necessary analysis.
  • Spanish Language:
Introduction to the Spanish language. Students who demonstrate proficiency in Spanish, in lieu of attending the lectures, may be assigned advanced projects utilizing Spanish in the area of logistics & supply chain management.
  • Thesis Seminar Proposal:
The contents of the thesis seminar course will contain: thesis process - technical writing - presentation skills. This seminar will organize the students into groups working on parallel topics and make sure that each student's project is launched.
  • Advanced Topics:
The Advanced Topics Seminar spans several terms, featuring elite professors who offer short, intense seminars on advanced topics. We typically feature professors from MIT and from leading schools in Europe. Some of these seminars may be scheduled as the year progresses.
Leading Global Supply Chains: Reinforces supply chain concepts and develops management and teamwork skills.  MIT students participate with their peers from CTL’s sister centers in Spain, Malaysia, Colombia, Luxembourg and China.  This is a very intense IAP course that includes the following components:
  1. 5 lectures by leading MIT researchers each with short homework assignments,
  2. 6 lectures by C-level industry executives followed by filmed small team interviews,
  3. 6 rounds of the team-based Fresh Connection management simulation game,
  4. 6 in-depth leadership workshops,
  5. a major team-based APICS-Sponsored Case Competition (paper, presentation, judges),
  6. 6 Supply Chain Research workshops each with hands-on team-based assignments ,
  7. 1 day-long  tour and one ½ day tour of best-in-class supply chain operations,
  8. a major Research Expo (poster session) attended by 200-300 supply chain executives
MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics (CTL), hosts 3 weeks on the MIT campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
  • Logistics Facilities & Operations:
This course provides the students with an understanding of how logistics systems behave. Critical factors (costs, variability, labor/space/financial constraints) have a significant impact on the system performance. Commonly used transportation network optimization, routing and scheduling with inventory consideration, capacity management, flow management principles and push/pull systems are discussed. The ultimate goal is to equip students with the necessary tools to improve the system performance (i.e., increasing throughput, improving customer service) in a supply chain setting given the constraints.
  • System Dynamics:
Uses a mixture of simulation models, role-playing games, and case studies to develop principles for successful management of complex strategies in a dynamic world. Case studies of successful strategy design using system dynamics. Considers strategic issues such as business cycles, market growth and stagnation, the diffusion of new technologies, the misuse of forecasts, and the rationality of managerial decision making.
  • Energy and Sustainable Supply Chains
The pursuit of reliable energy resources has shaped the history of the world in the past hundred years. The technological advancement of this period is also largely indebted to the technological needs of generating power from nuclear, fossil (oil, coal, natural gas), and renewable (wind, solar, hydropower) sources. Nevertheless, managing the chain of supply is critical regardless of the energy source as a level of service below perfection is unacceptable by the end customers. In any discussion about energy supply chains, the issue of sustainability cannot be left out. Building on our first four sessions and after introducing the framework to analyze supply chain sustainability, this topic will be showcased by interesting examples from the food (tea, soybean, seafood, chocolate) and apparel industries. These two industries, as well as NGOs and public sector, are among the major users of the supply chain sustainability expertise.
  • Electives
Electives are only offered in the spring. Below is a list of electives that were offered over the past five years:
  1. Supply Chain Design, Planning and Organization
  2. Multi-Criteria Decision Making for Supply Chain Management
  3. Collaborative Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  4. Risk Management
  5. Revenue Management
  6. Advanced Planning & Execution Systems
  7. Procurement and Supply Chain Coordination
  8. Service Operations Logistics
  9. Reverse Logistics
  10. Project Management
  11. Mass Customization
  12. Retail Supply Chain Management
  13. Humanitarian and Public Health Supply Chains
  14. Freight Transportation
  15. Manufacturing Logistics
  • Supply Chain Strategy:
In this course students learn how supply chain strategies must be designed to fit with the particular requirements of various competitive environments, as well as a company's competitive strategy. It also investigates barriers to integrating supply chains, including behavioral issues (e.g., misaligned incentives and change management) and operational execution problems. The course gives special emphasis to the tools students will need to participate effectively in decisions about operations in a global economy.
  • Advanced Topics:
The Advanced Topics Seminar spans several terms, featuring elite professors who offer short, intense seminars on advanced topics. We typically feature professors from MIT and from leading schools in Europe. Some of these seminars may be scheduled as the year progresses.

Zaragoza Academic Partnership (ZAP)

The Zaragoza Academic Partner (ZAP) Program is an initiative to enhance applied research and closer industry-academia relationships in the field of supply chain management. Each year students are required to complete thesis projects and many of them work with our partner companies on challenging and innovative research projects through the ZAP Program. The ZAP Program gives students the opportunity to work closely with industry professionals on a real-life supply chain problem, and gives companies an opportunity to interact with a student or student team along with a professor as expert thesis advisor who together bring new insights and approaches to an active supply chain project. The ZAP Research Projects start in October and finish the following May.
Experiential learning developing a master thesis project with companies such as:

Research Fest

The Research Fest is an event taking place at the end of the academic year where master’s students present their final research projects to an audience of colleagues, faculty, academic partners and esteemed jury members. Occasionally, research topics that are larger in scope require a team of master's students. A faculty supervisor is assigned to each thesis project to provide guidance for the research effort and writing process. Final presentations are made at an event open to the supply chain community. In addition, a panel of experienced academic and industry representatives select the "ZLOG Best Thesis Award" in recognition of the most outstanding Master's Thesis Project of the Class.
  • ZLOG/ZLOGb Outstanding Thesis Award 2023  presented to Walter Antaurco, Candela Lloret and Camila Revelo for their project on Title 
  • ZLOG Best Thesis Award 2018 went to to Pilar Albar, Bruna Basile and Fernanda Caropresso for their thesis titled Network Capacity Plan 
  • ZLOG Best Thesis Award 2007 - This award was sponsored by the Instituto Aragonés de Fomento (Aragonese Institute of Public Works) of the Department of Industry, Commerce and Tourism of the Government of Aragon. The winner, Gemma Berenguer i Falguera, received €6,000 for her thesis: Impact of Due-Date Requirements on Capacity Management 
Students celebrate the completion of their studies in May with a special Commencement Ceremony and reception hosted by the President of Aragon and Rector of the University of Zaragoza. Past commencement addresses have been given by:

¿Quién debería solicitar admisión?

La diversidad en el cuerpo estudiantil es una característica importante de los Masters Internacionales en Cadena de Suministro del MIT. Si bien se espera que los solicitantes tengan una aptitud para el pensamiento analítico, no necesitan tener un título universitario en ingeniería. Invitamos a estudiantes de todas las disciplinas a solicitar admisión. Más allá de la educación, la experiencia laboral relevante tendrá un gran peso en la decisión de admisión. Ver perfil de la clase ZLOG del curso académico 2024-2025.

Actual perfil de la clase


¿Cuándo solicitar admisión?

Las admisiones para el curso académico 2025/2026 están abiertas. Todas las solicitudes y materiales de apoyo deben enviarse dentro de los plazos correspondientes:

  • Ronda I: Octubre 31
  • Ronda II: Enero 31
  • Ronda III: Marzo 31

Se procederá con admisión continua después de la Ronda III:

  • Fecha límite para estudiantes internacionales: Junio 30
  • Fecha límite para estudiantes europeos que no necesiten visa: Julio 31

¿Preparado para solicita admisión?

Todos los candidatos deben solicitar admisión online. La plataforma Gradapply permite preparar y enviar tu solicitud directamente al departamento de admisiones de MIT para cualquiera de los programas académicos de la red MIT Global SCALE en EE. UU., España, China, Luxemburgo y Malasia.

Los materiales de solicitud necesarios son:

  1. Formulario de Solicitud
  2. Declaración de Objetivos
  3. CV
  4. GMAT, SC0X o GRE (se puede obviar cuando se muestran pruebas de habilidad analítica excelentes)
  5. TOEFL, IELTS u otro certificado oficial de inglés similar (si no eres nativo)
  6. Transcripciones Oficiales/Diploma
  7. Dos cartas de recomendación
  8. Video Testimonio

Recomendamos revisar las instrucciones paso a paso en la web de MIT Scale mientras completas tu solicitud de admisión.

Equipo ZLOG

Marta Romero

Directora de Masters Internacionales
+34 976 077 605

Clara Isabel García

Coordinadora de Masters Internacionales
+34 976 070 148

Matrícula y Costes

24,000€ + 300€

  • Materiales académicos: 15,000€
  • Otros costes: 9,300€


ZLC ofrece un programa de ayuda financiera con la colaboración de Ibercaja Banco S.A. para estudiantes de todas las nacionalidades. Las principales características del préstamo son:

  • El préstamo cubre hasta el 70% de la matrícula con 1 año de carencia
  • Compatible con las becas ofrecidas por ZLC
  • Sin comisión por cancelación anticipada o amortización parcial

Para solicitar ayuda financiera el estudiante debe estar admitido al Programa ZLOG.

Fecha límite de solicitud: 31 de Julio.


Zaragoza Logistics Center ofrece becas a través de su programa autofinanciado de becas MIT Zaragoza. Próximamente más información sobre las becas para el próximo curso.

To all students who have been admitted to the ZLOG program
MIT - Zaragoza Supporting Promising Professionals in Logistics and Supply Chain Management Scholarships

Sponsored by: ZLC
Reduction in tuition: 25%, 50%
We review applications in two rounds:
I Round: March 31, 2025
II Round: June 6, 2025
Download application

To students who have been admitted to the ZLOG program with Spanish Citizenship
MIT - Zaragoza Spanish Citizen Scholarship

Reduction in tuition: 25%
We review applications on: June 27, 2025
Download application

To students who have been admitted to the ZLOG program with Spanish Citizenship
MIT - Zaragoza Master Essay Competition

Reduction in tuition: 50% - 75%
We review applications on: June 27, 2025

To students who have been admitted to the ZLOG program with European Citizenship
MIT - Zaragoza European Supply Chain Professional Scholarships

Sponsored by: ZLC
Reduction in tuition: 25%
We review applications on: June 6, 2025
Download application

To students who have been admitted to the ZLOG program with African Citizenship
MIT - Zaragoza African Supply Chain Professional Scholarships

Sponsored by: ZLC
Reduction in tuition: 25%, 50%
We review applications on: April 15, 2025
Download application

To all female students who have been admitted to the ZLOG program
MIT - Zaragoza Women in Logistics & SCM Scholarship Women

Sponsored by: ZLC
Reduction in tuition: 25 %, 50%
We review applications on: June 6, 2025
Download application

To students who have been admitted to the ZLOG program and completed (or will complete) an International MBA in a partner business school
MIT - Zaragoza Dual Degree Scholarships

Sponsored by: ZLC
Reduction in tuition: 25%, 50%
We review applications on: June 6, 2025
Download application

Download list

Youssef Benlali - "Master Essay" Scholarship holder 2023/24

"Winning the MIT Zaragoza Master Essay Competition and joining the prestigious ZLOG program is an immense honor! This achievement allows me to explore the extensive world of Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Interacting with renowned professors and diverse classmates is promising, making the ZLOG program a significant step in our professional journeys".

Gastos de Vida

La matrícula no cubre los gastos administrativos (300 €), libros, gastos de alojamiento o de viaje a Zaragoza o Boston para el intercambio internacional. Los gastos de vida varían según el estilo de vida y dependiendo de si los estudiantes desean vivir solos, con compañeros o con una familia. El costo de vida en Zaragoza es más bajo que en gran parte de Europa. Actualmente, un presupuesto de alrededor de 400€ – 600€ por mes es la media para los gastos de vida de un estudiante.

Además, los estudiantes de ZLC pueden beneficiarse de descuentos especiales en la Residencia de Estudiantes Nodis.


250-700 €/mes


150-300 €/mes


50 €/mes


400-750 €/año


30-60 €/meses


50 €/meses

Los servicios de carrera en ZLC facilitan las relaciones para los estudiantes del Máster presencial en Ingeniería Logística y Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro (ZLOG) y graduados con posibles empleadores, reclutadores de escuelas de posgrado y exalumnos. Las empresas son bienvenidas a interactuar con los estudiantes y / o realizar entrevistas, clases magistrales o hacer una presentación de la empresa en el campus de ZLC.

La Oficina de Servicios Profesionales fomenta el avance profesional y contribuye al crecimiento y éxito de nuestros graduados. Desde su inicio, el programa ha graduado a un grupo muy diverso de profesionales de la cadena de suministro exitosos y bien cualificados, que trabajan para los principales fabricantes, minoristas, consultorías a nivel global.



6 meses después de graduarse






Entre los graduados

Interacción con la Industria

Las empresas son bienvenidas a interactuar con los estudiantes y/o realizar entrevistas en el Campus ZLC. Las siguientes compañías tuvieron la oportunidad de impartir una clase magistral y presentar su empresa a nuestros estudiantes. Ver perfil de la clase ZLOG del curso académico 2023-2024.

Distribución histórica de la contratación de nuestros antiguos alumnos:

Nuestros graduados trabajan para empresas como:


“Tuve la oportunidad de crear un nuevo equipo de planificadores de cadena de suministro global en ROCHE. Me gustaría agradecer a ZLC el habernos ofrecido la oportunidad de contratar a 5 planificadores de la cadena de suministro del programa ZLOG. Ellos nos han ayudado realmente a impulsar la optimización de nuestra cadena de suministro”

Cristina Castro
Hoffmann-La Roche, Suiza
Jefe de productos biológicos de planificación de suministros globales y embalaje de medicamentos


Vídeo testimonios

Vídeo Corporativo | ZLC

Máster ZLOG | Clase del 2018

Máster ZLOG Nº1 | Clase del 2017

Testimonios Antiguos Alumnos ZLC | Clase del 2015

Aragón tu Reino

Aragón Plataforma Logística (APL)

¿Necesitas más información?

Rellena el siguiente formulario para solicitar información. Nuestro equipo de admisiones estará encantado de ayudarte y aclarar cualquier duda que tengas sobre los programas máster o el proceso de solicitud.
