Archivos: Students

Ricardo Julio Lavié

Education: Master in Industrial Optimization (OSS) - Université de Troyes, France. Industrial Engineering - Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Work Experience:   E-Commerce Logistics operations, transport & engineering regional supervisor at MercadoLibre Argentina - 4 Years Supply Chain Analyst at DIA Group Argentina - 1.5 Years Procurement Intern at Prysmian Group Argentina - 1.5 Years [...]

Cristina Herrero Miguel

Education: BSc and Master in Chemical Engineering,University of Zaragoza, Spain. Work Experience:   Planning and supply chain department, Solutex; continues improvement department, Solutex; Process engineer internships, Exide Technology. Research Interests: Production planning, raw materials planning, inventory management, continuous improvement

Sara González Pérez

Education:  Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas. Work Experience:  Técnico en contabilidad de proveedores y en departamento de logística internacional en BSH Electrodomésticos. Research Interests: Estoy interesada en conocer todo lo que afecta a la cadena de suministro y al mundo de la logística y poder seguir formándome en este ámbito. Así mismo, estoy [...]

Miguel Díez Sánchez

Education: Bachelor in Business Studies, University of Saragossa, Spain. Work Experience: Three years working as Supply Chain coordinator in UK in a construction group: Output UK Ltd. and RCR London Ltd. Research Interests: Purchasing processes, Warehouse management, Transport planning and Supply Chain coordination.

Miguel Ignacio Cans Nerín

Education:  Degree in Business Administration (Universidad San Jorge, Zaragoza, Spain). Advanced course on stock market analysis and value investing (IEB, Madrid, Spain). Work Experience:  Purchase department in Proin-Pinilla. Final thesis with a real company in the automation sector. (Tecno-Mat, Barbastro, Spain). Salesperson and administrative in a motorcycle workshop. Research Interests:  Value investing, value stream change, [...]

Manuel Aguilar Aragonés

Education: Degree in Business Administration and Management, University of Zaragoza, Spain. Work experience: Logistic operator in Decathlon and Contract Manager in Toyota Material handling. Research Interests: Supply Chain optimization, Lean Manufacturing and Inventory and Warehouse Management.

Cristina Alconchel Fernández

Educación: Grado en administración y dirección de empresas en inglés. Experiencia Laboral: becaria en Lenkua servicios educativos (2015), becaria en el de departamento de ventas en Proin-Pinilla (2019) y operaria logística en Decathlon en varios sectores (2020-Actualidad). Áreas de interés: Estoy interesada en conocer todo el campo de la logística y la cadena de suministro, [...]

Alejandro Albajez Grima

EDUCATION  Master in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC) Master in Financial Advice and Financial Markets Operator, University of Zaragoza Degree in Business Administration and Management, University of Zaragoza Erasmus Program, Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT) WORK EXPERIENCE  Internal logistics technician and receipt of goods at BSH (current affairs) Financial Controller and [...]

Luis Wilbert

Education Graduate Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management – Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Master´s Degree in Logistics Systems Engineering / Operation Research – Polytechnic School – University of Sao Paulo (USP) Specialization: Advanced Techniques in Logistics – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) Bachelor of Business Administration – Federal University of Juiz […]

Daniel Calcinaro

Education Graduate Certificate in Supply Chain Management (GCLOG), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA, USA Master of Engineering (MEng), Industrial Management, UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina Bachelor of Industrial Organization, Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Facultad Regional Pacheco (UTN-FRGP), General Pacheco, Argentina. Micromasters Credential in Supply Chain Management (MMSCM), MITx Work Experience Supply Chain Planner, John […]

Lygia Bronneberg Velez

Education Naval Architect and Marine Engineer; Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil M.Sc. in Transport Engineering, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Oil and Gas Business Specialist; Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Work experience Naval Architect and Marine Engineer; PETROBRAS Transporte SA, TRANSPETRO Research Interests Port Operations and Management Logistics Operational Research Supply […]
