2005 Supply Chain Summit

  • May 31, 2005
  • Auditorium, Zaragoza


Beyond Offshoring: The Road to Globalization

The 2005 Zaragoza Supply Chain Summit maps the future of offshore manufacturing and globalization.

Speakers include:

  • David Abney, President, UPS International
  • Edouard Michelin, CEO, Michelin
  • John Allan, CEO, Exel
  • B.G. Srinivas, Head of Infosys, Europe
  • Nicky Hartery, VP of Manufacturing (EMEA), Dell
  • Lou Manzione, Executive Director, Bell Labs Ireland
  • Yossi Sheffi, CTL Director, MIT
  • Janice Hammond, Sr. Assoc. Dean, Harvard Bus. School
  • Thomas Malone, Sloan School of Management, MIT
  • Panel of journalists from Dow Jones, Financial Times, The Economist, Politika, & Harvard Business School Publishing

Issues on the agenda include:

  • The economics of offshore manufacturing
  • Managerial challenges of outsourcing
  • The impact of more demanding consumer markets
  • Government responses to the growth of global trade
  • Optimizing and coordinating global logistics networks
  • Supply chain resilience and security

The Zaragoza Supply Chain Summit is an annual event organized by the Center for Transportation & Logistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Zaragoza Logistics Center, a research institute associated with the University of Zaragoza. It brings together thought leaders from around the world to discuss supply chain issues that shape business strategy and public policy.


  • Start Date:May 31, 2005
  • End Date:June 1, 2005
  • Location:Auditorium, Zaragoza