Revilla, E., Sáenz, M.J. and Knoppen, D., Towards an empirical typology of buyer-supplier relationships based on absorptive capacity. International Journal of Production Research,2013, 51(10), 2935-2951.
Funding body: Association of Food companies in AragonType of funding: PrivateMain Researcher: Mª Jesús Sáenz Gil de Gómez (ZLC)Other Researchers: Alejandra Cuevas Guiral (ZLC) Start date: 01/10/2012End date: 15/07/2013Duration: 9,5 months Seminar “Horizontal Collaboration in the Food sector: an opportunity for competitiveness in Aragón”Apr 17, 2013 Read press release Project Description Food industry in Aragon is […]
Official Reference: 5029711S193 Funding body: Aragonese Employment Institute (INAEM), Ministry of Work and Immigration, Government of Aragon and the European Social Fund Type of funding: Public Main Researcher: Fernando Liesa Other Researchers: Francisco Bordejé, Antonio Gargallo Duration: 21/12/2011 to 07/21/2012 Project Description The project’s main objective is to offer companies in the logistics sector […]
Official Reference: 5029710A446 Funding body: Aragonese Employment Institute (INAEM), Government of Aragon and the European Social Fund Type of funding: Public Main Researcher: Fernando Liesa Other Researchers: Francisco Bordejé, Daniel Mainar Duration: 14-10-2010 to 14.04.2011 Project Description The project aims to support concrete companies and jointly analyze their innovation needs and vision of long-term […]
Reference: 5029709S152 Funding Body: Aragonese Employment Institute (INAEM), Government of Aragon and the European Social Fund Type of funding: Public Main Researcher: Fernando Liesa Other Researchers: Francisco Bordejé Duration: 15-09-2009 to 15.03.2010 Description project The project aim in the long-term to help creating knowledge-based companies (spin-offs) by a favorable climate to business initiatives, connected […]
Official reference: FMI057/09 Funding Body: Government of Aragón Type of Funding: Public Main Researcher: Mozart Menezes Other Researchers: Rongbing Huang Term: 01-05-2010 a 31-07-2010 Description This proposed research will be joint work with Professor Mozart Menezes at ZLC. The models that we investigate will be important extensions of the much-studied simple plant location problem. […]
Funding Body: Government of Aragón Type of Funding: Public Main Researcher: María Jesús Sáenz Other Researchers: David Johnston, Desiree Knoppen Term: 01/21/2008-12/27/2008 Description D. Johnston collaborated with Dr. Sáenz and Dr. Knoppen in research on collaborative learning (i.e. the learning that takes place at the level of the supply chain relationship and that aims […]
Official Reference: PTA2009-2930-T Funding Body: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Researcher: Carolina Ciprés Type of Funding: Public Term: 2009-10-19 to 2012-10-18 Description Aiming to improve the knowledge transfer to this sector of strategic importance for regional development, the following activities related to the logistics sector and in particular, the area of Aragón, but which […]
Privett N., Erhun F. Efficient Funding: Auditing in the Nonprofit Sector, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Vol. 13 (4) (2011) 471–488
Huang R., Menezes M., Kim S. The impact of cost uncertainty on the location of a distribution center, European Journal of Operational Research, 218 (2012) 401–407
Project Reference: RYC-2011-08762 Funding Body: Subprograma Ramón y Cajal, Dirección General de Investigación y Gestión del Plan Nacional I+D, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad Type of Funding: Public Main Researcher: Mozart Menezes Start date: 18/01/2012 End date: 17/01/2017 Duration: 60 months Project Description A current common practice when designing supply chain networks is to consider reduced […]
Yadav P., Levine R., Pickett J., Sekhri N., Demand Forecasting for Essential Medical Technologies, American Journal of Law and Medicine, Vol. 34 (2-3) (2008) 225-255
Acronym: FLOUE Project Reference: 275413 Funding Body: Comisión Europea. 7º Programa Marco. Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship (IEF) Type of Funding: Public Main researcher: Serigne Gueye Start date: 16/01/2012 End date: 31/12/2012 Duration: 12 months Project Description Facility location optimization is an optimization problem in operations research, particularly in network design decisions in the supply […]
Rexhausen, D., Pibernik R., Kaiser, G., Customer-facing supply chain practices-The impact of demand and distribution management on supply chain success, Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 30 (4), 2012, 269-281
Samii, AB., Pibernik, R., Yadav P.,Vereecke A., Reservation and allocation policies for influenza vaccines, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 222 (3), 2012, 495-507
Goebel, P., Reuter, C., Pibernik R., Sichtmann C., The influence of ethical culture on supplier selection in the context of sustainable sourcing, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 140 (1), 2012, 7-17
Menezes M., Berman O., Krass D. Locating Facilities in the Presence of Disruptions and Incomplete Information, Decision Sciences, Vol. 40 (4) (2009) 845-868
Galar Pascual D., Berges Muro L., Royo Sanchez J. Issue of Performance Measurement in the Maintenance Function. DYNA Ingeniería e Industria, Vol. 85 (5) (2010) 429-438
Goel, A. and Kok, L., Truck Driver Scheduling in the United States. Transportation Science, Vol. 46 (3) (2012) 317-326
W. Yang, J. Quiao, Y. Feng, B. Xiao, W. Yang. Optimal Reserve Price in static and dynamic sponsored search auctions. Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering. Vol 22 (4) (2013) pp 440-456