Topic: Other


Project for the Promotion of Spanish Companies’ Competitiveness through Logistics as a Strategic Factor in a Global Environment

Acronym: GLOBALOG Official reference: PSE-370500-2006-1. Funding Body: Ministry of Education and Ministry of Science and Innovation Type of Funding: Public Main Researchers: María Jesús Sáenz, Fabrizio Salvador, Jesús Royo, Susana Val, Prashant Yadav, Fernando Liesa Other Researchers: Richard Pibernik, Jarrod Goentzel, Santiago Kraiselburd, María Hernández, Björn Claes, Desiree Knoppen, Jeanett Bolther, Fernando Roldán, Amir Samii, [...]

Supply chain disruptions and resilience

This project aims to understand the underlying dynamics of supply chain risk phenomenon, emphasizing on supply chain disruptions, which are considered the most pressing concerns facing firms competing in today’s global marketplace. This project highlights the importance of better aligning the perception and assessment of risk sources with supply chain disruption management and supply chain […]


Supply chain collaboration: antecedents and performance consequences

This project aims to quantify the strength of the (inter)relationships between antecedent conditions, collaboration and performance variables in supply chain management. Selected antecedents are: joint strategies for flexibility, supply chain orientation towards customer service, and the innovative capacity of the supply chain. Performance refers to objective measures of quality, cost, and delivery reliability, as well […]


Absorptive capacity in a relational context

This project addresses Absorptive Capacity (AC, or “the ability of a firm to recognize the value of new, external information, assimilate it, and apply it to commercial ends”, Cohen and Levinthal, 1990: p. 128) in a relational context. We build upon a knowledge-based view of the firm, which is a spin-off of the resource based […]


Redesign of PROSEGUR’s Cash Center Network

Funding Body: Prosegur Compañía de Seguridad S.A. Main Researcher: Richard Pibernik Term: 15/02/2006-15/09/2006 Project Description The project considers the redesign of the company’s Cash Center Network in Spain, these being the points used for collection, handling and distribution of cash. The project will include: The optimal number and location of the cash centers that need […]


Development and Implementation of a Program Advancing Research Education and Exploitation for the Support of National Innovation Systems

Acronym: PARENIS Official reference: 510997-TEMPUS-1-2010-1 -DE-TEMPUS-JPHES Funding Body: European Comission – Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Tempus Programme Type of Funding: Public  Página web del proyecto: Main Researcher: Fabrizio Salvador  Other Researchers: Mustafa Çagri Gürbüz Term: 15/10/2010 – 14/10/2013 Project Description  Universities are important pillars in the country’s education and innovation system. PARENIS aims […]


Collaborative Learning in Supply Chain relationships

Acronym: CLES Official reference: DPI2009-10902 Funding Body: Ministry of Science and Innovation.  Department of Programmes and Knowledge Transfer Type of Funding: Public Main Researcher: Dr. María Jesús Sáenz Gil de Gómez Other Researchers: Santiago Kraiselburd (ZLC), Fernando Liesa Carrera (ZLC), David Alan Johnston (SSB), Juan Luis Cano Fernández (UNIZAR), Rubén Rebollar Rubio (UNIZAR), Iván Lidón […]


Logistics Requirement of SMEs

Funding Body: Dirección General de la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa (DGPYME) Type of Funding: Public Main Researcher: María Jesús Sáenz Other Researchers: Carolina García, María Hernández Term: January 2007- December 2007 Project Description The main aim of this study is to put together a compendium of Good Practices that may serve as a guide for […]