Advanced Optimization Techniques – Elective Course

  • marzo 16, 2015
  • Zaragoza Logistics Center

Course Description:
Many decision problems in logistics can be modelled asoptimization problems. In manufacturing systems, forexample, decisions on the acquisition, utilization andallocation of production resources must be made in themost efficient and effective way. This course coversadvanced optimization techniques for problems arisingin logistics, manufacturing, transportation, and manyother fields. The course provides intense coverage ofmodelling and optimization problem solving.Optimization methodologies include linear programming,integer programming, and constraint programming.The ultimate goals of this course are: to improvethe capacity of modelling complex optimizationproblems in such a way that they can be solved usingstandard software packages; to provide an understandingof principal optimization problem solving proceduresand to develop specialized solution procedures fornon-standard problems. Furthermore, students learnthe best way of solving Sudokus.

Professor:  Dr. Asvin Goel

· Modelling
· Linear Programming
· Mixed Intger Programming
· Optimization Programming Language
· Column Generation
· Constraint Programming
· Local Search & Metaheuristics

March 2015

Deadline: January 15, 2015


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  • Fecha de inicio:marzo 16, 2015
  • Fecha de finalización:marzo 24, 2015
  • Lugar:Zaragoza Logistics Center