Charlas MIT-Zaragoza: Theodore Farris

  • abril 11, 2008 - 10:30
  • Zaragoza Logistics Center, A1 Lecture Room, Zaragoza, Spain

Dr. M. Theodore Farris II





“Solutions to Strategic Supply Chain Mapping”

Gartner, John T., and Martha C. Cooper (“Strategic Supply Chain Mapping Approaches,” Journal of Business Logistics, 2003. Vol. 24, Iss. 2) build a strong case why supply chain management should start by strategically mapping the supply chain but academics and industry professionals have found the task is much more difficult due to limited information and lack of mapping nomenclature. This presentation offers solutions to these shortcomings cited by Gartner and Cooper by using macro economic data as a basis for developing mapping nomenclature to help create meaningful strategic supply chain maps.


Dr. Farris is an Associate Professor at the University of North Texas. Dr. Farris is presently an Austrian-American Fulbright Scholar. It is only the second Fulbright Scholar ever awarded in the field of logistics since the inception of the program over 60 years ago. He is currently resident at the Fachhochschul-Studiengang Produktions-und-Managementtechnik, University of Applied Sciences in Steyr, Austria.

He received a BS in Business Administration from Arizona State University, an MBA in Materials Logistics Management from Michigan State University, an M.A.B.A. and a Ph.D. from The Ohio State Uni­versity concen­trating in Business Logistics and Management Informa­tion Systems.

Prior to pursuing his PhD, Dr. Farris was employed by the IBM Cor­poration, and INTEL Corporation. His industry experience includes International Purchasing, Traffic, New Logis­tics Development, Materi­als Systems, and Inventory Planning and Control.


  • Fecha de inicio:abril 11, 2008
  • Hora de inicio:10:30
  • Fecha de finalización:abril 11, 2008
  • Hora de finalización:12:00
  • Lugar:Zaragoza Logistics Center, A1 Lecture Room, Zaragoza, Spain