IX Logistics Forum Discussion

  • mayo 24, 2005

24 May 2005
Zaragoza Logistics Center
The Zaragoza Logistics Center is pleased to invite you to the Ninth Session of the Academic year 2004-2005 at the Logistics Forum Discussion that is taking place in Avda. Gómez Laguna, 25, 1st floor at 16.30h, on Tuesday May 24th 2005, with the title:

In charge of Prof. Asbjørn Rolstadås

CV Prof. Asbjørn Rolstadås:

He is professor and head of the Department of Production and Quality Engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. His research covers topics such as numerical control of machine tools, computer-aided manufacturing systems, productivity measurement and development, computer-aided production planning and control systems and project management methods and systems.

He is president of the Norwegian Academy of Technical Sciences and member of The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences. He serves on the editorial board of number of journals, and is the founding editor of the International Journal of Production Planning and Control. He is past president of IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) and the founder of the IPIP working group 5.7. He is currently the head of the Norwegian Centre for Project Management which is a research and networking initiative sponsored by major industry and governmental agencies in Norway. He is a member of the PMI MAG (Member Advisory Group) for standards.

Rolstadås has about 25 years of experience from education, research and consulting in project management. He has done studies of project execution of some major governmental projects, mainly within development of oil and gas in the North Sea. He has done research on risk analyses and contingency planning in cost estimates, and developed training courses in project planning and control using e-learning technology.

He has experience from managing complex, international research projects such as the GEM (Global Education in Manufacturing) project and the PROMISE integrated project.

Summary of the Conference:

The seminar will focus on the goal setting process in projects. It will discuss how to assess project performance and it will show several examples of performance in a number public projects in Norway. Based on the discussion of these examples, some lessons learnt will be developed and discussed with the participants. State of art in planning and controlling projects will be briefly discussed based on the PMI model defined in the PMBOK® Guide. The Norwegian Center of Project Management will be briefly explained as a model for coopreration between academic organisations and industry. Finally, management of research projects will be discussed and a survey on experience from running projects for the European Union under the fifth framework program will be shown.

Language: English
Day:May 24th 2005
Place:ZLC. Avda. Gómez Laguna, 25 planta 1ª. Zaragoza. B1 Lecture Room
Time:From 16.30h to 20.00
Phone:+34 976 077 600
E-mail:[email protected]

Please, confirm your attendance by sending an email to: [email protected]


  • Fecha de inicio:mayo 24, 2005
  • Fecha de finalización:mayo 24, 2005