Webinar | Ranked #1 MIT Scale Masters in Supply Chain Management

  • diciembre 2, 2020 - 17:00
  • Online

ZLC invites you to this Virtual Info Session on Wednesday, December 2nd at 5pm (CET) about our International Master programs:

Our Masters of Engineering in Logistics and Supply Chain Management will start mid/late August 2021. 

About the Webinar

An interactive 45 – 60 minute online meeting conducted in English by Marta Romero, Director of International Masters at ZLC who, at the end of the presentation, will answer all your questions about the admission requirements and deadlines. You will also have the opportunity to discover all the possibilities and resources at your disposal to thrive in the logistics industry.


For students who want to learn about accelerating their careers studying a master degree from home. ZLC offers the opportunity to combine your studies online and on-campus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and ZLC in Spain, one of the best countries to live.


Joining the webinar! It is free and easy to attend. You can use your computer or even join on the go using your mobile device.


Marta Romero

International Masters Director

Felipe Fernández

ZLOG student


  • Fecha de inicio:diciembre 2, 2020
  • Hora de inicio:17:00
  • Fecha de finalización:diciembre 2, 2020
  • Hora de finalización:18:00
  • Lugar:Online