ZLC Seminar Series: Proyecto WINN

  • abril 24, 2013 - 13:00
  • Zaragoza Logistics Center, Sala 221


WINN is an EU funded project aimed at establishing a European Technology Platform (ETP) on Logistics and Coordinated by ZLC. An ETP is a forum that defines and develops mid- to long-term research and innovation agendas and roadmaps to be deployed at EU and national levels and supported by both private and public funding.

In order to maximize the inclusiveness of the ETP, the Project has included the most significant stakeholders interested in the Logistics and Supply Chain Research and Innovation sector in Europe, such as industries, regional clusters, European Associations and RTD Centres and Universities. The project is now working on defining the ETP’s governance model and the official launch of the Platform is foreseen in June. Additionally, a first research and innovation agenda and a series of roadmaps are being developed. Finally, the project has also outlined preliminary input for the next EU R&D programme, Horizon 2020, due to start in 2014.

The Project, which is the first European project coordinated by ZLC, offers the institution the possibility of interacting closely with both the European Commission (EC) and the industrial sector (P&G, Volvo, TNT, Kraft, K+N…) to define the European Logistics Research and Innovation agenda for Horizon 2020. In the previous five years, Research and Innovation projects related to Logistics received more than 140 million euro from the EC.

More information about the project


  • Fecha de inicio:abril 24, 2013
  • Hora de inicio:13:00
  • Fecha de finalización:abril 24, 2013
  • Hora de finalización:14:00
  • Lugar:Zaragoza Logistics Center, Sala 221