Dr. Jesús Royo

Dr. Jesús Royo

Jesús Royo was the Director of the Master de Logística at Zaragoza Logistics Center, a part-time masters program taught in Spanish which began in 2005/2006 and for which he also acted as coordinator for the Production module. He has given classes in this Master’s Programme since its beginning in 2001/2002. Also, Dr. Royo coordinated institutional relationships with the University of Zaragoza. Dr. Jesús A. Royo Sánchez received his PhD in Manufacturing and Design Engineering and his Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Zaragoza, Spain. He studied his postgraduate degree in Industrial Organization at the same University.

In the past, he was the Production Manager for Industrias Hidraulicas, S.A. and he is currently a Professor in the school of E.U.I.T.I.Z. where he teaches Production Management and Maintenance. In addition to this, he has produced numerous written publications and participated in several projects related to Industrial Production and Maintenance. Furthermore, he has taken part in numerous Internal Logistics and Continuous Improvements conferences on topics in which the research interests of Dr Royo are centered, along with Production Management and Maintenance.


  • Lambán, P., Royo J.A., Valencia J., Berges L. Galar D. Model for Calculating the Storage Cost of a Product: Study Case in a Logistics EnvironmentRevista Dyna – Colombia, Forthcoming 2013
  • Val S., Royo J. A., Chocarro D., Bordetas B., Artigot D., La Logística en Aragón, 978-84-87807-43-5, Consejo Aragonés de Cámaras Oficiales de Comercio e Industria, Confederación de Empresarios de Aragón, Caja Inmaculada, October 2010
  • Galar Pascual D., Berges Muro L., Royo Sanchez J., La Problemática de la Medición del Rendimiento en la Función MantenimientoDYNA Ingeniería e Industria, No. 85-5, pp 429-438, June, 2010