Dr. Yasel Costa

Dr. Yasel Costa

Profesor de Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro del Programa Internacional de Logística MIT-Zaragoza

El Dr. Yasel Costa, es Ingeniero Industrial por la Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas, Cuba. Recibió su título de Doctor –Ingenieur degree en el prestigioso instituto alemán Otto -von-Guericke University.

Sus intereses de investigación abarcan varios temas de Matemáticas Aplicadas en la toma de decisiones: programación matemática y algoritmos aproximados para problemas combinatorios difíciles, algoritmos bioinspirados y optimización de la cadena de suministro, entre otros.

Algunas publicaciones relevantes se pueden encontrar en su CV, incluidos artículos en revistas conocidas como Journal of Cleaner Production, Expert system with Application and Transportation Research Part E.

El profesor Costa pertenece al personal de arbitraje de muchas revistas internacionales distinguidas, como European Journal of Operational Research, Expert System with Application, Computer e Industrial Engineering and Decision Science.

Actualmente, es el Director del programa de Doctorado en Logística y Gestión de la Cadena de Suministro, Director de la Academia de verano para doctorados en ZLC y  Profesor de la Cadena de Suministro en el Programa MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics de Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC).

Áreas de Investigación

Redes Sostenibles

El Grupo de Redes Sostenibles investiga cómo las preocupaciones ambientales podrían integrarse en la toma de decisiones operativas a lo largo de la cadena de suministro.

Operaciones en el área de la Salud

La investigación de Operaciones en el Área de la Salud se centra en la gestión de la demanda y la optimización de la red de la cadena de suministro en el sector farmacéutico.


Justicia Económica en el Diseño de la Cadena de Suministro de Biocombustibles Derivados de la Caña de Azúcar

Carvajal, J., Sarache, W., Costa, Y. Economic Justice in the Design of Sugarcane-Derived Biofuel Supply Chain: A Fair Profit Distribution Approach | Logistics | Vol. 8 (4) | November, 2024 | 122

The Pollution-Routing Problem with Speed Optimization and Uneven Topography

Lai, D., Costa, Y., Demir, E., Florio, A.M., Van Woensel, T. The Pollution-Routing Problem with Speed Optimization and Uneven Topography | Computers and Operations Research | Vol. 164, April 2024 | 106557

Facility Location Modeling in Supply Chain Network Design: Current State and Emerging Trends

Costa, Y., Melo, T. Facility Location Modeling in Supply Chain Network Design: Current State and Emerging Trends. In: Sarkis, J. (eds) | The Palgrave Handbook of Supply Chain Management | 2023, pp. 1-36 | Palgrave Macmillan

A three-objective stochastic location-inventory-routing model for agricultural waste-based biofuel supply chain

Morales, M.M., Costa, Y., Sarache, W. | A three-objective stochastic location-inventory-routing model for agricultural waste-based biofuel supply chain | Computers & Industrial Engineering | Vol. 162 | December 2021 | 107759.

A fuzzy inference based scenario building in two-stage optimization framework for sustainable recycling supply chain redesign

Feitó-Cespón, M., Costa, Y., Pishvaee, M.S., Cespón-Castro, R. | A fuzzy inference based scenario building in two-stage optimization framework for sustainable recycling supply chain redesign | Expert Systems with Applications | Vol. 165 | March,1st, 2021 | 113906

Multiobjective stochastic scheduling of upstream operations in a sustainable sugarcane supply chain

Morales, M.M., Sarache, W., Costa, Y., Soto, J. Multiobjective stochastic scheduling of upstream operations in a sustainable sugarcane supply chain.Journal of Cleaner Production | Vol. 276, December 2020 | 123305

Heuristic approaches for a two-echelon constrained joint replenishment and delivery problem

Carvajal, J., Castaño, F., Sarache, W., Costa, Y. Heuristic approaches for a two-echelon constrained joint replenishment and delivery problem. International Journal of Production Economics. Vol. 220, February 2020 | article N. 107420

Addressing a robust decision in the sugarcane supply chain: Introduction of a new agricultural investment project in Colombia

Carvajal, J., Sarache, W., Costa, Y. Addressing a robust decision in the sugarcane supply chain: Introduction of a new agricultural investment project in Colombia. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Vol. 157, February 2019, pp. 77-89.

Chávez, M. M. M., Sarache, W., Costa, Y. Towards a comprehensive model of a biofuel supply chain optimization from coffee crop residues. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, Volume 116 (8), 2018, pp. 136-162.

Pfoser, S., Schauer, O., Costa, Y. Acceptance of LNG as an alternative fuel: Determinants and policy implications. Energy Policy, Volume 120 (9), 2018, pp. 259-267.

Costa, Y., Duarte, A., Sarache, W. A decisional simulation-optimization framework for sustainable facility location of a biodiesel plant in Colombia. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 167(11), 2017, pp. 174-191.

Costa-Salas, Y., Sarache, W., Überwimmer, M. Fleet size optimization in the discarded tire collection process. Research in Transportation Business & Management, Volume 24(9), 2017, pp. 81-89.

Duarte, A., Sarache, W., Costa, Y. Biofuel supply chain design from Coffee Cut Stem under environmental analysis. Energy, Volume 100(4), 2016, pp. 321-331.

Salas, Y. J. C., Pérez, C. A. M., Bello, R., Oliveira, A. C., Chaves, A. A., Lorena, L. A. Clustering search and variable mesh algorithms for continuous optimization. Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 42(2), 2015, pp. 789-795.

Duarte, A. E., Sarache, W. A., Costa, Y. J. A facility-location model for biofuel plants: Applications in the Colombian context. Energy, Volume 72(8), 2014, pp. 476-483.

Méritos y Premios

El mejor investigador joven. Universidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las Villas. Cuba, 2007.
Becas ADAD (PhD). Universidad Otto-von-Guericke, Magdeburg-Alemania, 2009.
Profesor Honorífico. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia, 2018.
