Research initiative for Enhancing and Adapting Workforce Skills for Implementing Transport Automation with Employment Growth

Project Name: Research initiative for Enhancing and Adapting Workforce Skills for Implementing Transport Automation with Employment Growth
Project number: 101147328
Funding Body: European Commission – Horizon Europe
Type of funding: Public
Main Researcher: Susana Val
Start date: 01/01/2025
End date: 31/12/2027
Duration: 36 months

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Project description

RESKILLING envisions to implement a strategic approach, which will empower the workforce and businesses of Europe’s mobility (of people and goods) sector, to effectively cope with the changes in the sector from CCAM deployment, but also to actively participate in advancing and refining the sector. For this to be achieved, RESKILLING will propose, implement, apply and validate a comprehensive approach, guided by inclusivity, co-creation, and social innovation principles, which will efficiently and sustainably coordinate a range of novel services and tools, fostering optimal adaptation of the mobility sector (covering both people and goods) to the deployment of CCAM solutions and services. This will range from analysing the socio-economic and employment impacts of CCAM across the entire value chain to facilitate businesses and workers in mitigating drawbacks and leveraging opportunities brought about by CCAM deployment. It involves innovating business models and employing mechanisms and training tools for skill enhancement and adaptation, with an emphasis on their replication and transferability potential and customized scalability for adoption throughout the EU. RESKILLING aspires to create a CCAM innovation system capable of not only generating innovation but also delivering solutions to societal challenges.


  • Centre for Research & Technology Hellas – CERTH, Greece

Project Partners: 

  • The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute – VTI, Sweden
  • POLIS, Bélgium
  • VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GMBH, Germany
  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel – VUB, Belgium
  • Union Internationale des Transports Publics – UITP, Belgium
  • Fundación Zaragoza Logistics Center – ZLC, Spain
  • Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories – FEHRL, Belgium
  • Deep Blue SRL, Italy
  • Universita Degli Studi de Roma La Sapienza, Italy
  • Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg
  • European Conference of Transport Research Insitutes, Belgium
  • Encoris Nederland BV, the Netherlands
  • BAX Innovation Consulting SL, Spain
  • Beceptum International GMBH, Germany
  • Akciju Sabiedriba Transporta un Sakaru Instituts, Latvia
  • 3DHUB IKE, Greece
  • EURNEX e.V., Germany
  • Europcar International, France

Contact data:

For more information about the project, please contact:

Susana Val, Principal Investigator, [email protected]

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101147328
