
Sponsor ZLC Events

In the organization of any training or research event and with non-profit purpose, external contributions and collaborations constitute one of the fundamental pillars that help reach the desired quality expectations and disseminate the knowledge generated in the center, and ZLC is no exception. For this reason, we reach out to public and private entities, universities, organizations, as well as the business sector, are invited to sponsor ZLC Activities to make past events that have demonstrated solidarity and quality effective.

*Sponsorship price depends on the final scope and is subject to negotiation with ZLC

Some of our sponsors:

Our events to sponsorize:

Commencement Ceremony

Commencement Ceremony

Sponsor the Commencement Ceremony of the masters and PhD students of ZLC. Speakers of honor from past years include senior executives from Pepsico, Nestlé, Grupo Cortefiel, Procter & Gamble and Roche.

Sponsorship: 5,000€

Alumni Reunion

ZLC Master graduates currently leading the supply chains in multinational companies, meet annually in a European city to network and keep up with the latest trends.

Sponsorship: from 5,000€ on (2,500€ if organized in ZLC)

PhD Summer Academy

The PhD Summer Academy is an intense period of learning, debating and discovering the fundamental concepts and recent trends in supply chain with top-notch professors from prestigious Universities and ZLC researchers.

Sponsorship: from 5,000€ on


ZLC offers the possibility of organizing seminars, workshops or conferences jointly with companies in an area of common interest, intended for professionals in logistics.

Sponsorship: from 2000€ on


ZLC offers the possibility of giving technical sessions online jointly with companies in an area of common interest, intended for professionals in the logistic sector.

Sponsorship: from 1,000€ on

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