PhD Summer Academy for PhD students (3-12 June 2024)

The PhD Summer Academy for PhD students is a 2 weeks intense period of learning for PhD students, debating, and discovering the fundamental concepts and recent trends in supply chain management, in addition to meeting future colleagues and having a great time in Zaragoza, Spain. Learn more!

ZLC has decided to cancel the 14th edition of the PhD Summer Academy in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.







Professors from past editions of the PhD Summer Academy added the following:


"I was asked to join the PhD summer academy at ZLC and offer a course on Competition and Cooperation in Supply Chains. I really enjoyed having the opportunity to interact with such a diverse group of students, coming from very different countries and very different backgrounds. My favorite part was doing an in-person experiment, where the students had a chance to interact with each other and got to know their colleagues better, while at the same time learning about cooperation, negotiation, and stable outcomes. The class was full of positive energy"

Greys Sošić
Morgan Stanley Chair in Business Administration
Department Chair and Professor, DSO Department
Marshall School of Business
University of Southern California

The aim of the summer academy school is to create a strong knowledge discussion forum to boost research results and advances in supply chain management. Learn more!

ZLC has decided to cancel the 14th edition of the PhD Summer Academy in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

Program description

The full program comprises 4 modules, participants can take individual modules (250€ early bird or 300€ from April 15 onwards)

Titles of the modules:

Professor: Teresa Melo, Saarland University of Applied Sciences (htw saar), Germany
Dates: 3, 4, 5 June
Course Description:
Designing a supply chain network is a complex undertaking that involves making a number of strategic, interdependent decisions. Network design decisions involve selecting suppliers, identifying the number and location of facilities to be operated (e.g., manufacturing plants and warehouses), choosing the technology to be deployed in each facility along with its capacity size, allocating products to facilities, selecting transportation modes, and determining material flows across the network, among others. The goal is to identify the network configuration with minimum total cost or maximum total profit, subject to side constraints related to resource availability, technological conditions, and customer service requirements. This course provides an overview of supply chain network design (SCND) problems and their main characteristics. In the lectures, and with the active participation of the students, special attention will be paid to the development of mathematical formulations for specific problems belonging to this rich field of Operations Research. Selected articles on recent approaches to modeling and solving SCND problems will also be critically analyzed together with the students. Finally, opportunities for future research will be discussed, taking into account the growing awareness for sustainability and recent events that have disrupted supply chains.

Professor: Nikos Trichakis, MIT Sloan School of Management, Cambridge.
Dates: 3, 4, 5 June
Course Description:
Robust optimization (RO) is a relatively young methodology, developed mainly in the course of the last 20 years to analyze and optimize the performance of complex systems that are subject to uncertainty. The goal of this short course, which will comprise three lectures, would be to expose students to the basic RO methodology in order to illustrate how it can be used as an alternative approach for modeling uncertain phenomena. We will explore how RO leverages existing efficient optimization methods to deal with high dimensional problems subject to uncertainty, a key feature that distinguishes it from other solution approaches. Finally, we will discuss various applications of RO in the fields of operations research and operations management.

Professor: Ozlem Ergun, Northeastern University College of Engineering.
Dates: 10, 11, 12 June
Course Description:
Meeting demand in a timely and cost-effective manner is important both in public and private supply chains, and heavily depend on the design and operation of these supply chains. Demand is affected by ongoing factors such as local economy, infrastructure, and geographic location, as well as unexpected events such as natural or manmade disasters or other large-scale disruptions. Designing and operating responsive supply chains requires the consideration of uncertainty in timing, scope, scale, and understanding of various topics such as distribution network design and the role of human behavior. This course will examine methods and models for making supply chain design and operational decisions and explore the significant value that is obtained through informed decision-making in advance of an unpredictable event or long-term strategy for meeting the need of customers and beneficiaries.

Class sessions will combine lectures, interactive exercises, and case studies.

Professor: Stefan Minner, Technical University of Munich.
Dates: 10, 11, 12 June
Course Description:
Data is a core ingredient of an optimization problem. The increasing availability of data for practical decision-making offers many new opportunities for improving decisions, but at the same time poses new methodological challenges. Traditionally, parameter estimation and forecasting as well as optimization for decision-making have been treated sequentially. Recent data-driven optimization facilitates integrated, simultaneous treatment of these two tasks.

This seminar consisting of lectures and hands-on exercises will give an overview of different approaches to data-driven optimization. Applications covered range from simple newsvendor-type to complex multi-product and multi-echelon inventory problems, commodity procurement, transportation, quality control and maintenance, and queuing models. The cases are supplemented by theoretical considerations of data processing, feature selection, and convergence properties.


In addition to being introduced to different topics in the field by a group of distinguished professors, it is a great opportunity to meet doctoral students from different institutions and exchange ideas. Although we expect applicants to come from different institutions, countries and backgrounds, the one common denominator is excellence. Applicants are selected to be part of a discussion forum made up of outstanding scholars in the area of logistics and supply chain management.


The PhD Summer Academy program is administered under the MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program, one of the select MIT educational and research partnerships. Upon completion of all courses to which you have enrolled, you will be awarded a certificate stating that you have completed a PhD summer course under the MIT- Zaragoza Program.

Who should apply

Every summer, a group of selected students and scholars from different institutions, countries and backgrounds get together to participate in an intense period of learning, debating, and discovering the fundamental concepts and recent trends in supply chain management. Learn more!

When to apply

ZLC has decided to cancel the 14th edition of the PhD Summer Academy in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

Ready to apply?

To apply for the Summer Academy you must submit the following documents to [email protected]:

  • Current resume including academic degree, a brief list of the related courses taken so far (in the field of OR/IE/OM/Statistics), areas of research interest, specialization or competence, dissertation: the title and short description of your thesis, relevant work experience
  • One recommendation letter from people capable of judging applicant’s professional and/or academic promise (i.e., supervisor, professor)
  • Statement of interest for applying for the PhD Summer Academy. Please explain your specific area of academic interest (research topic you want to work on), how your education has prepared you to be successful in this program, what do you hope to achieve in this program. The statement should be no longer than 500 words

PhD Summer Academy Team

Dr. Yasel Costa

PhD Summer Academy Director
+34 976 077 606

Beatriz Vergara

PhD & Executive Education Coordinator
+34 976 077 268

ZLC has decided to cancel the 14th edition of the PhD Summer Academy in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

Tuition and Fees

Early bird registration (until 15th April): 875€

  • Fee per Module (early bird registration): 250€

Tuition Fee (after deadline early bird): 975 € (include 4 modules)

  • Fee per Module: 300 €

Special Fees

  • University of Zaragoza students: 500 €
  • Students from Professors of the PhD Summer Academy: 500 €
  • Students from Professors of ZLC: 500 €
  • Alumni PhD Summer Academy: 700 €
  • MIT students: 700 €
  • Students coming from universities that have an agreement with ZLC: 700 €
  • ZLC Alumni students: 780€
  • Two students coming from same university: 780 €

Living Expenses

Participants will have to make their own arrangements for their accommodation, meals, visa and transportation and must provide evidence of health insurance coverage while in Spain. The organization will be happy to help applicants with the travel and paperwork requirements.


250-700 €/month


150-300 €/month


50 €/month


50 €/month


90-150 €/month


50 €/month

Do you require further information?

Please fill in the following form to send an info request. Our admissions team are happy to assist you and answer any queries you may have about our master’s programs or the application process.
