Medal of Distinction

  • June 24, 2010
  • Zaragoza

MIT-Zaragoza Medal of Distinction

The MIT-Zaragoza Medal of Distinction is awarded to scholars of exceptional ability and distinction who have made significant contributions in the field of Operations Research and Management and that have also been recognized by the OR/M community peers as academics or practitioners of exceptional talent.

This Medal has been created to recognise and acknowledge excellence in teaching, research and practice in the field of Operations Research and Management and is awarded by a panel of professors of the MIT-Zaragoza Program and the other academic partners of ZLC. OR/M community can suggest names for the award. Possible candidates should be proposed to the PhD Summer Academy Director There are two categories:

  • Academic: for Theoretical Contribution in the field of Operations Research and Management (research oriented)
  • Practitioner: for Dissemination of Operations Research and Management Techniques (Application, teaching, divulgation, etc.)

Each year, two Medals will be awarded and presented to the recipients during the PhD Summer Academy. This year, the practitioner distinction award will be presented in Bergamo, Italy, on June 24 and the academic distinction award in Zaragoza, Spain on July 20.


1. Recipients must be professors (tenured or non-tenured) or practitioners who have been actively involved in operations research management including research, teaching or the application of such in industry. They must meet the following criteria:

  • be distinguished academics and practitioners who have had a major impact on national/international OR/M teaching and resear


  • Start Date:June 24, 2010
  • End Date:June 24, 2010
  • Location:Zaragoza