

ZLC participates in a network of research initiatives aimed at improving competitiveness in an ever-changing and more dynamic environment. As a leading European supply chain management research center, ZLC is a laboratory where academia and industry collaborate in order to provide people, organizations and societies with the innovative solutions they need.

Our alliances include local, national and international bodies and organizations that cooperate to find common solutions to the supply chain challenges of today and tomorrow.

International Alliances


The MIT Global SCALE Network is an international alliance of leading-edge research and education centers dedicated to the development and dissemination of global innovation in supply chain and logistics.

MIT Zaragoza Program

The MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program is a unique research and education partnership that brings together the supply chain interests of academia, industry and government – all linked to the development of the largest logistics park in Europe.



The European Technology Platform ALICE was set-up to develop a comprehensive strategy for research, innovation and market deployment of logistics and supply chain management innovation in Europe.


ZLC has been awarded with the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), which allows us to participate of the Programme Erasmus +. The ECHE provides the general quality framework for European and international cooperation activities a higher education institution (HEI) may carry out within the Programme.

National and Local Alliances


Logistop was designed as a cross-sectoral and multidisciplinary work forum, open to participation by and incorporation of all stakeholders in the field of Integrated Logistics, Intermodality, Transport and Mobility. 


ALIA is a not-profit organization, whose mission is dedicated to improving competitiveness of companies through collaboration and logistics innovation in Aragón, at the same time adding value.



Alastria is a non-profit association that promotes the digital economy through the development of decentralized ledger technologies/Blockchain.

Mobility City

Mobility City is an Ibercaja Foundation initiative supported by the Government of Aragon, which aims to place Zaragoza and Aragón at the forefront of the debate on new mobility and the transformation of associated industries and sectors.

Foro MADCargo

MADCargo Forum is an association of professionals belonging to all sectors of the Madrid Air Cargo logistics supply chain.

Aragón Digital Innovation Hub

A Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) is an ecosystem whose objective is to create the best conditions for long-term business success for all those involved and to ensure that every company can take advantage of digital opportunities.
