Dual Degrees with International Business Schools (MBA + ZLOG)


ZLC has partnered with 5 leading business schoolsIE Business School in Spain, INCAE in Costa Rica, the European Business School in Germany, Sabanci University in Turkey and USAT in Peru to offer 5 dual degree programs combining a Master of Engineering in Logistics and Supply Chain Management with an International MBA.

IE Business School, SPAIN

This dual degree program is intended to prepare professionals for careers that combine general management capabilities with specialized logistics and supply chain management

Signed date 2006

Madrid, Spain
Founded in 1973

INCAE Business School, NICARAGUA

This program is intended to prepare candidates to undertake managerial positions that combine general management capabilities with specialized logistics and supply chain management skills.

Signed date 2007

Managua, Nicaragua
Founded in 1964

European Business School, GERMANY

Combining general management know-how with specialist logistics and supply chain management skills, this dual degree program in cooperation with the MIT-Zaragoza is designed to prepare graduates for international managerial positions.

Signed date 2009

Oestrich Winkel, Germany
Founded in 1971

Sabanci University, TURKEY

This Dual Degree Program is for students seeking management responsibilities as professionals in manufacturing, distribution, retail, transportation, consulting, software or logistics organizations with a system-wide perspective.

Signed date 2011

Istanbul, Turkey
Founded in 1996


This dual degree program is intended to prepare professionals for careers that combine general management capabilities with specialized logistics and supply chain management skills.

Signed date 2014

Chiclayo, Peru
Founded in 1996

What our students say

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