Luis Wilbert

Luis Wilbert

PhD Candidate, 4th year

Graduate Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management – Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Master´s Degree in Logistics Systems Engineering / Operation Research – Polytechnic School – University of Sao Paulo (USP)
Specialization: Advanced Techniques in Logistics – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
Bachelor of Business Administration – Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF)
CPIM – Certified Production and Inventory Management
Advanced skills in operations research and analytics programs (LINDO, LINGO, AIMMS, What’s Best and IBM ILOG CPLEX OPTIMIZATION STUDIO, IBM ILOG Logicnet, IBM ILOG Inventort Analyst, Supply Chain Guru, ARENA,@ Risk, R and SQL ).

Work Experience
Supply Chain Optimization Manager Ernst Young (EY)
Senior Supply Chain Optimization Consultant PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC)
Supply Chain Consultant IBM
Logistic and Supply Chain Research CISLOG Center for Innovation in Logistics Systems

Research Interests
Supply Chain Analytics and Optimization
Transportation, Inventory and Production Optimization
Supply Chain Network Design and Tax Optimization
Big Data, IOT and Analytics applied to the Supply Chain
