Commencement Ceremony 2012

  • June 1, 2012 - 11:00
  • Paraninfo Hall, University of Zaragoza

On June 1st, 2012, the 8th class of the MIT Zaragoza Master in Logistics and Supply Chain Management and the 11th class of the Máster de Logística will graduate at the University of Zaragoza Paraninfo Hall.

As the guest of honour, Prof. Dr. V. Sumantran will be giving the traditional commencement speech. Dr. Sumantran is the Executive Vice-Chairman of Hinduja Automotive UK, as well as Vice Chairman of Ashok Leyland. He serves on the Scientific Advisory Committee to the Cabinet of the Indian Government and also served on the Science Advisory Council of the Prime Minister of India.

Dr. Sumantran holds MS and Ph.D. degrees in Aerospace Engineering (Princeton University & Virginia Tech) and a Master’s degree in Management of Technology (Renssalaer Polytechnic).


Commencement Ceremony 2011


  • Start Date:June 1, 2012
  • Start Time:11:00
  • End Date:June 1, 2012
  • End Time:12:30
  • Location:Paraninfo Hall, University of Zaragoza