EPCA Interactive workshop

  • March 2, 2010

European Petrochemical Association (EPCA) supply/demand chain workshop  

The workshop will be of interest to heads of procurement, transport and logistics as well as supply/demand chains in chemical companies; traders; distributors; leaders/owners of transport and logistics companies; 3PL and 4PL; ship-owners; terminal owners and operators; port authorities; operations managers of companies involved in the producing, handling or movement of chemical goods.

The purposes of the workshop are :

• To bring you leading expert advice on how to adapt your supply/demand chains to changed circumstances and the greening economy;

• To allow brainstorming between participants on the experts’ advice;

• To enhance your active participation via small discussion groups in order to participate in the formulation of suggestions and action items; To support you with professional recommendations to be shared within your companies;

• To optimize networking opportunities with industry peers.

The workshop will take place on Tuesday 2 and Wednesday 3 March 2010 at the InterContinental Hotel in Frankfurt. It will start with a networking dinner on Tuesday 2 March and will finish at approximately 05h00 PM on Wednesday 3 March 2010.

Click here for more information about the workshop 


  • Start Date:March 2, 2010
  • End Date:March 3, 2010