First Core Supply Chain Forum

  • September 24, 2015
  • Antwerp Expo, Jan Van Rijswijcklaan 191, 2020 Antwerp (Belgium)

The CORE project represents the flagship supply chain management and supply chain security programme co-funded by the European Commission (more than 49 million Euros are being invested in total).
CORE aims to enhance the efficiency, speed and reliability of legitimate trade and logistics whilst enhancing the effectiveness of supervising global trade and safeguarding the supply chain security and other societal challenges related to global trade and logistics.

Core aims to achieve both business driven objectives and societal objectives related to global trade and logistics simultaneously. Business objectives focus on the realization of lean, agile, resilient, sustainable, compliant and trusted and supply chains. Societal objectives focus on enhanced supply chain security levels and safeguarding society against illegitimate trade and criminal threats associated with international trade and logistics.

The assumption is that these two groups of objectives are potentially conflicting. The aim in CORE is to better balance these economic and social objectives. By means of targeted research and technological development  CORE seeks to deploy these innovative concepts in more than ten pilotprojects covering worldwide tradelanes.
If you want to benefit from the results of this investment and significantly contribute to improving your or others’ own supply chain management and supply chain security, you should be attending this conference .

Unlike many similar conferences, there is no registration cost and you will have the opportunity to benefit from the large investment as well as to network with your peers and key top-level individuals from:

1) the European Commission
2) EU and non-EU Customs
3) Shippers, Logistics and Freight Forwarding Organisations
4) Research and Academic Partners
5) Other EU government agencies and institutions

Don’t miss out on this opportunity.

Registration through the following link


  • Start Date:September 24, 2015
  • End Date:September 24, 2015
  • Location:Antwerp Expo, Jan Van Rijswijcklaan 191, 2020 Antwerp (Belgium)