MIT Scale International Masters Webinar

  • February 19, 2020 - 17:00
  • Online

About the Webinar

An interactive 45 – 60 minute online meeting conducted in English by members of the institute who, at the end of the presentation, will answer all your questions. You can request more information on the scholarships as well as the admission requirements. Register here and receive the link to participate!

You will have the opportunity to interact with ZLC’s staff and discover all the possibilities and resources at your disposal to thrive in this industry.



Marta Romero
Director of International Masters, ZLC

Álvaro Lerma
Student, ZLC



For students who want to learn about studying a masters degree and working abroad. ZLC offers the opportunity to combine your studies in USA, Malaysia and Spain, one of the best countries to live.


Joining the webinar is free and easy to attend. You can use your computer or even join on the go using your mobile device.


  • Start Date:February 19, 2020
  • Start Time:17:00
  • End Date:February 19, 2020
  • End Time:18:00
  • Location:Online