Reunión informativa del Congreso

  • October 1, 2009 - 11:00
  • Room HC-8, U.S.CapitolBuilding, Washington, D.C.

Malaria is a highly preventable and treatable disease – and we have the tools to fight it -yet nearly 1 million people die from malaria each year, mostly young children in sub-Saharan Africa. This briefing will focus on current efforts to reduce malaria mortality in the developing world and the necessary tools to reach elimination. Panelists will address topics including expanding access to effective treatment and prevention methods, the importance of continued funding, and key challenges.

Please join the Global Health Council and Novartis for a panel discussion where presenters will share their achievements and recommendations in malaria control.


  • Rear Admiral Tim Ziemer, Coordinator, US President’s Malaria Initiative
  • Honorable Kapembwa Simbao, Zambian Health Minister
  • Dr. Desmond Chavasse, Vice President of Malaria Control & Child Survival, Population Services International
  • Prashant Yadav, Professor of Supply Chain Management, MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program


  • Joanne Manrique, Chair of the Malaria Roundtable, Global Health Council


  • Start Date:October 1, 2009
  • Start Time:11:00
  • End Date:October 1, 2009
  • End Time:20:00
  • Location:Room HC-8, U.S.CapitolBuilding, Washington, D.C.