Dr. Alejandro Serrano

Alejandro Serrano

Dr. Alejandro Serrano

Professor of Supply Chain Management at the MIT-Zaragoza Program

Dr. Alejandro Serrano is Professor of Supply Chain Management at the MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program, and Research Affiliate at the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics. He teaches regularly at other masters and executive programs both in Europe and Latin America.

He obtained his BSc degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Zaragoza, his MBA degree from IESE, and his PhD and MSc degrees in Logistics and Supply Chain Management from the MIT-Zaragoza Logistics Program.

As a doctoral student, he spent time at MIT, Harvard Business School, and the Kennedy School of Government.

His research interest is the link between Finance and Operations.

Before joining academia, Alejandro spent 10+ years working for several firms, holding various supply-chain related positions, such as Head of Logistics or Head of Production. He has also been involved in several consulting projects for various companies, such as Roche, Casino Group, Saica, or Renfe.

Research Areas

Supply Chain & Finance

Finding outstanding applicable tools to overcome disruption in the supply chain and, thus, enhance corporate value and liquidity.


Practical Finance for Operations and Supply Chain Management

Serrano, A., Lekkakos S., Practical Finance for Operations and Supply Chain Management. MIT Press | March 2020 | ISBN 9780262043595

Risk propagation through payment distortion in supply chains

Serrano, A., Oliva, R., Kraiselburd, S. Risk propagation through payment distortion in supply chains, Journal of Operations Management, Vol. 58-59, 2018, pp. 1-14

Reverse Factoring: A Theory on the Value of Payment Terms Extension, Foundations and Trends in Technology

Lekkakos, S., Serrano, A. Reverse Factoring: A Theory on the Value of Payment Terms Extension, Foundations and Trends ® in Technology, Information and Operations Management,  Vol. 10 (3-4), Dec 2017. Special Issue on Supply Chain Finance, pp 270-288

Optimal Production and Rationing Policy of Two-Stage Tandem Production System

Xu, J. Serrano, A. Lin, B., Optimal Production and Rationing Policy of Two-Stage Tandem Production System, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 185, March 2017, pp 100 – 112

On the cost of capital of inventory models with deterministic Demand

Serrano, A., Oliva, R., Kraiselburd, S. On the cost of capital of inventory models with deterministic Demand. International Journal of Production Economics, Vol.183 (Part A), January 2017, pp. 14–20

Supply chain finance for small and medium sized enterprises: the case of reverse factoring, International Journal of Physical Distribution

Lekkakos, S., Serrano, A. Supply chain finance for small and medium sized enterprises: the case of reverse factoring, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 46 (4), 2016, pp. 367 – 392
