Dr. Davide Luzzini

Dr. Davide Luzzini

Associate Professor, ZLC

Davide Luzzini is PhD Summer Academy Program Director and Associate Professor at Zaragoza Logistics Center. He is also an extended faculty at MIP Graduate School of Business (Italy) where he was the Director of the Executive Program in Strategic Purchasing. Previously he held an Associate Professor position at Audencia Business School (France). He got his PhD in Management, Economics, and Industrial Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, where he later became an Assistant Professor. Since 2006, he has been conducting research, teaching, and consulting activities in the area of Purchasing & Supply Management and Supply Chain Management.
He has been also teaching general management courses such as Decision Making, Project Management, and Business Process Reengineering. Currently, his research is mainly focused on food networks, social enterprises, and sustainable innovation networks. At ZLC he is also investigator in several European projects and responsible of the annual PhD Summer Academy. He is active in the academic community as member of several international research organizations such as IPSERA, EurOMA, DSI, POMS and Academy of Management. For IPSERA he runs the annual Doctoral Workshop.


  • Supply chain performance measurement systems: A systematic review and research agenda. V Maestrini, D Luzzini, P Maccarrone, F Caniato. International Journal of Production Economics 183, 299-315
  • The action research cycle reloaded: Conducting action research across buyer-supplier relationships. V Maestrini, D Luzzini, ABR Shani, F Canterino. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 22 (4), 289-298
  • Building Social Capital into the Disrupted Green Coffee Supply Chain: Illy’s Journey to Quality and Sustainability. A Longoni, D Luzzini. Organizing Supply Chain Processes for Sustainable Innovation in the Agri-Food Industry
  • Risks and governance modes in offshoring decisions: linking supply chain management and international business perspectives. AS Patrucco, VG Scalera, D Luzzini. Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal 17 (3), 170-182
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Public Procurement Performance Management Systems in Local Governments. AS Patrucco, D Luzzini, S Ronchi. Local Government Studies, 1-23
  • Assessing the use of external grand theories in purchasing and supply management research. G Spina, F Caniato, D Luzzini, S Ronchi. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 22 (1), 18-30
  • Cinderella purchasing transformation: linking purchasing status to purchasing practices and business performance. D Luzzini, S Ronchi. Production Planning & Control, 1-10
  • Translating stakeholder pressures into environmental performance–the mediating role of green HRM practices. M Guerci, A Longoni, D Luzzini. The International Journal of Human Resource Management 27 (2), 262-289
  • Deploying Environmental Management Across Functions: The Relationship Between Green Human Resource. Management and Green Supply Chain Management. A Longoni, D Luzzini, M Guerci. Journal of Business Ethics
  • From sustainability commitment to performance: The role of intra-and inter-firm collaborative capabilities in the upstream supply chain. D Luzzini, E Brandon-Jones, A Brandon-Jones, G Spina. International Journal of Production Economics 165, 51-63
  • The path of innovation: purchasing and supplier involvement into new product development. D Luzzini, M Amann, F Caniato, M Essig, S Ronchi. Industrial Marketing Management 47, 109-120
  • Location drivers, governance model and performance in service offshoring. F Caniato, S Elia, D Luzzini, L Piscitello, S Ronchi. International Journal of Production Economics 163, 189-199
  • Total cost of ownership along the supply chain: a model applied to the tinting industry. F Caniato, S Ronchi, D Luzzini, O Brivio. Production Planning & Control 26 (6), 427-437
  • A comprehensive assessment of measurement equivalence in operations management. D Knoppen, MA Ateş, A Brandon-Jones, D Luzzini, E Van Raaij, Finn Wynstra. International Journal of Production Research 53 (1), 166-182
  • Do HRM practices help to translate stakeholder pressures into environmental performance? D Luzzini, A Longoni. Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 11750
  • Supply chain performance measurement system lifecycle. V Maestrini, D Luzzini. Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 11530
  • Organizing IT purchases: Evidence from a global study. D Luzzini, A Longoni, A Moretto, F Caniato, A Brun. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 20 (3), 143-155
  • Governance choice in global sourcing of services: the impact on service quality and cost saving performance. S Elia, F Caniato, D Luzzini, L Piscitello. Global Strategy Journal 4 (3), 181-199
  • Designing vendor evaluation systems: An empirical analysis. D Luzzini, F Caniato, G Spina. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 20 (2), 113-129
  • Purchasing performance management systems: an empirical investigation. F Caniato, D Luzzini, S Ronchi. Production Planning & Control 25 (7), 616-635
  • Green HRM and SCM practices and their effects on environmental and economic performance. D Luzzini, A Longoni, M Guerci. Academy of Management Proceedings 2014 (1), 13491
  • Past, present and future trends of purchasing and supply management: An extensive literature review. G Spina, F Caniato, D Luzzini, S Ronchi. Industrial Marketing Management 42 (8), 1202-1212
  • A transaction costs approach to purchasing portfolio management. D Luzzini, F Caniato, S Ronchi, G Spina. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 32 (9), 1015-1042
  • Total Cost of Ownership Along the Supply Chain: A Model Applied to the Tinting Industry. S Ronchi, F Caniato, D Luzzini. Available at SSRN 2024571
  • Organizing the purchasing department for innovation. D Luzzini, S Ronchi. Operations Management Research 4 (1-2), 14-27
  • Pooling survey data in the operations and supply management literature: a review and illustration of equivalence tests. D Knoppen, M Akin, ABJ Brandon-Jones, D Luzzini, EM Van Raaij, JYF Wynstra. Proceedings of the XX IPSERA conference, 10-13
  • Reviewer Acknowledgement 2010. P Ahlström, H Agndal, L Araujo, CW Autry, A Azadegan, L Bals, … Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 17, 71-72
  • Towards full integration: eProcurement implementation stages. F Caniato, R Golini, D Luzzini, S Ronchi. Benchmarking: An International Journal 17 (4), 491-515
  • Analysis of equivalence among sub-samples: preliminary results of the International Purchasing Survey. J Miemczyk, D Knoppen. HAL Post-Print
  • Sustainable purchasing practices. I Ferrari, D Luzzini, G Spina, AKKHNJ Hallikas, K Lintukangas, VM Virolainen. Proceedings of the 19th IPSERA conference, 334-348
  • Purchasing management in the luxury industry: organization and practices. D Luzzini, S Ronchi. Operations Management Research 3 (1-2), 7-21
  • New directions for portfolio management. F Caniato, D Luzzini, S Ronchi. Proceedings of the 19th IPSERA conference, 334-348
  • A proposal for research in Purchasing and Supply Management. D Luzzini, F Caniato, L Bengtsson. 18th IPSERA conference, Oestrich-Winkel, Germany, 5–8 April 2009, 1328-1346
  • Supply chain coordination: The problem of risk and benefit sharing. S Ronchi, D Luzzini, G Spina. Supply Chain Forum: an International Journal 8 (2), 54-65
  • Resource areas. M Arena, D Barrett, R Cagliano, FFA Caniato, D Coghlan, P Coughlan, …
  • Effects of strategic suppliers performance measurement system on suppliers performance: the role of supplier opportunism and goal congruence. V Maestrini, D Luzzini, F Caniato, S Ronchi
  • Model and measures for the supply chain financial assessment. F Caniato, LM Gelsomino, D Luzzini, A Perego, S Ronchi
  • Governing offshoring: evidence from an international survey. L Piscitello, S Elia, D Luzzini, F Caniato, S Ronchi