Dr. Spyridon Lekkakos

Dr. Spyridon Lekkakos

Professor of Supply Chain Management

Dr. Spyros Lekkakos is Professor at the MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program, Research Affiliate at the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics, and visiting professor for the Luxembourg Supply Chain Management Program at the University of Luxembourg.

His research interests include the interface of operations and finance; inventory and supply chain management; and procurement.

His teaching experience spans various topics, such as financial systems for SCM, inventory systems, procurement and contracting, and supply chain strategy. He also supervises several master level theses and participates in EU-funded research projects.

Finally, Spyros has designed and delivered several executive coaching workshops to companies operating in different industries, including Roche, Clariant, ExxonMobil, LC Waikiki, and Baltic Mill.

Dr. Spyros obtained his B.Sc. degree in Aeronautical Engineering from the Hellenic Air Force Academy (Athens, Greece), his MBA degree from the University of Piraeus (Piraeus, Greece), his S.M dual degree in Engineering and Management (SDM program) from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, USA), and his PhD in Logistics and Supply Chain Management from the MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program (Zaragoza, Spain).

Before joining academia, Spyros has been an officer in the Hellenic Air Force for 10+ years, where he attained the rank of Major, holding various positions in functions such as engineering, quality management, logistics, and contracting.

Research Areas

Supply Chain & Finance

Finding outstanding applicable tools to overcome disruption in the supply chain and, thus, enhance corporate value and liquidity.


Low-Emission Adaptive last mile logistics supporting ‘on Demand economy’ through digital twins

Acronym: LEAD Project number: 861598 Funding Body: European Commission – H2020 Type of funding: Public Main Researcher: Spyridon Lekkakos Start date: 01/06/2020 End date: 31/05/2023 Duration: 36 months Website: www.leadproject.eu/ Project description LEAD project will create Digital Twins of urban logistics networks in six cities, to support experimentation and decision making with on-demand logistics operations […]

Towards a Shared European Logistics Intelligent Information Space

Acronym: SELIS Project number: 690588 Funding Body: European Commission – H2020 Type of funding: Public Main Researcher: Spyridon Lekkakos Start date: 1/09/2016 End date: 31/08/2019 Duration: 36 months www.selisproject.eu Project description SELIS is aimed at delivering a ‘platform for pan-European logistics applications’ by: Embracing a wide spectrum of logistics perspectives and creating a unifying operational […]

Consistently Optimised Resilient Secure Global Supply-Chains

Acronym: COREProject Reference: FP7-SEC-2013-1 Project Number: 603993 Funding body: European Commission, 7th Framework Programme Type of Funding: Public Main Researcher: Mustafa Çagri Gürbüz Other Researchers: Luca Urciuoli, Spyros Lekkakos Start date: 01/05/2014 End date: 30/04/2018 Duration: 4 years CORE presented at Intermodal Europe 2014 – Press release Website Newsletter CORE Newsletter – Dic 2014 CORE […]


Practical Finance for Operations and Supply Chain Management

Serrano, A., Lekkakos S., Practical Finance for Operations and Supply Chain Management. MIT Press | March 2020 | ISBN 9780262043595

Reverse Factoring: A Theory on the Value of Payment Terms Extension, Foundations and Trends in Technology

Lekkakos, S., Serrano, A. Reverse Factoring: A Theory on the Value of Payment Terms Extension, Foundations and Trends ® in Technology, Information and Operations Management,  Vol. 10 (3-4), Dec 2017. Special Issue on Supply Chain Finance, pp 270-288

Supply chain finance for small and medium sized enterprises: the case of reverse factoring, International Journal of Physical Distribution

Lekkakos, S., Serrano, A. Supply chain finance for small and medium sized enterprises: the case of reverse factoring, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol. 46 (4), 2016, pp. 367 – 392

Managerial Publications

Taking a LEAD in on-demand city logistics

By Dr. Beatriz Royo and Dr. Spyridon Lekkakos

Anybody here speak Finance?

By Dr. Alejandro Serrano and Dr. Spyridon Lekkakos

Shared data is key to low carbon logistics

By Dr. Beatriz Royo and Dr. Spyridon Lekkakos

Making intelligent use of supply chain data

By Dr. Spyridon Lekkakos and Dr. Beatriz Royo
