21 people from leading retail companies established in Singapore participated in the executive education program on Retail and Fashion SCM at ZLC


Last week ZLC organized an executive education program on Retail and Fashion Supply Chain Management to CEOs, Directors and Managers from leading retail companies established in Singapore, such as Harley Davidson, StarThreeSixty, Reebonz, Scanteak, Sookee Jewellery.

The group benefited from a variety of activities, ranging from talks from top-notch SCM professors, executive presentations and lectures from industry experts to social activities.

In addition to the MIT SCALE professors, other distinguished professors from top universities such as UCLA and the Art Institute of Michigan, delivered this program, covering a variety of topics, including Retail Supply Chain, Retail Marketing, Global Logistics & Purchasing and Luxury Brands.

Industry experts on retail business models contributed to this executive program with sessions on international expansion strategies, culture & talent development practices and new sales channels of ZARA and Desigual, among others.

To address the balance of the program as far as practical experience is concerned, Spain’s largest retail store, El Corte Inglés and high-street fashion retail company ZARA, formed the basis of much of the work experience of the program. The group visited both companies and ZARA distribution center, giving them the opportunity to observe supply chain strategies in motion.

