“Ebola is moving at the speed of sound and the aid organizations are moving at the speed of a snail”


James Dorbor Jallah, ZLOG Alumni, now holds the prestigious position of National Coordinator of Liberia’s Ebola Task Force, where he is working tiressly with his team of professionals to stem further outbreaks of Ebola.. 

The rapid expansion of the Ebola epidemic offers a shrill wake-up call for the global health community and thegovernments that often provide aid in crises — because so far the nations with the funds and medical resources tohelp deal with this scourge have offered only a trickle of aid. 
“Ebola is moving at the speed of sound and the aid organizations are moving at the speed of a snail,” said thenational coordinator of Liberia’s Ebola Task Force, James Dorbor Jallah.
