Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Irish politician and European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, visited the stand of SoCool@EU at the WIRE 2013 Conference


Máire Geoghegan-Quinn, Irish politician and European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, visited the stand of SoCool@EU in the Wire 2013 conference where she took interest in the activities and goals of the project.

The project SoCool@EU aims to create an open European platform of excellence in the area of supply chain management and logistics in connection with hubs and gateways that will be open for participation from other regional clusters with a logistics and transportation profile, after its establishment. Its purpose is to enable research-driven regional clusters throughout Europe to collaborate and exchange experiences for increasing sustainability and competitiveness of logistic services and intermodal transport operations.
More information about SoCool@EU project

Máire Geoghegan-Quinn visiting the stand of SoCool@EU
