Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference (MESIC 2013)


Zaragoza, June 26-28, 2013

The Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference is conducted every two years fulfilling one of the most important objectives of the Manufacturing Engineering Society: creating forums for exchanging experiences in this field of knowledge.

The 5th edition of the congress will be held in the Paraninfo Building at the University of Zaragoza, Spain and its main objective is to offer a meeting point for professionals, researchers and educators from industry, research centers and academia to present and discuss recent advances in the field of Manufacturing Engineering.

The scope of the conference will cover several topics for technical papers to be presented in oral and poster sessions. Faculty member and alumni of Zaragoza Logistics Center – Jesús Royo, Pilar Lambán, Javier Valencia, Melisa Olivera y Mario Monsreal – will present the following papers: