Press Release: Collaboration in Clusters at the CSCMP Europe Conference 2012


Zaragoza, Spain 2012

The future competitiveness of the European Union relies on its ability to renew its industry base and build-up new competitive strengths. To achieve this, Europe needs more specific world-class clusters that will serve as a catalytic source for rapid innovation by turning innovative ideas into new products, different services, forward-thinking strategies and business models. Hence, clusters should provide a fertile environment for business creation resulting in innovation, growth and jobs. In this sense, a more strategic approach is needed that applies the concept of world-class clusters, thus aiming at creating more innovative and collaborative companies in Europe in promising areas of new technology and services.

An open discussion on what actions are needed from clusters’ institutions to facilitate innovation; what obstacles companies find when implementing new ideas; and what the company requirements are for policy action by the EU, will take place at the CSCMP’12 Europe Conference, Frankfurt, on April 25, 2012.

Based on a short presentation of the European project “Sustainable Organization between Clusters Of Optimized Logistics @ Europe” (SoCool@EU), a panel moderated by Dr. David Gonsalvez, Director of the Zaragoza Logistics Center and researcher of the SoCool@EU project, and also formed by Mr. Urban Bjöörn, President of CAICA AB and Mr. Sven Schade, Policy Officer at the European Commission, will discuss the topic “Clusters as catalysts for the creation of innovative and collaborative companies”.

Attendees are welcome to contribute with suggestions for joint actions within the SoCool@EU project.

To attend this workshop, please visit the following website:  

For more information on the SoCool@EU project, you can visit  


This project is funded by the Regions of Knowledge initiative of the 7th Framework Programme of the European Commission
