Supply Chain Frontiers Issue #44




Welcome to Supply Chain Frontiers Education, a special issue of Frontiers that focuses on the educational programs offered by the research and education centers in the MIT Global SCALE (Supply Chain and Logistics Excellence) Network.

The Network was launched by the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics in 2004 with the opening of the Zaragoza Logistics Center in Zaragoza, Spain. Since then, the Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation (2008) and the Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation (2011) have joined the community, and more centers are planned.

One of the SCALE Network’s main goals is to raise supply chain educational standards in every region of the world. We have created programs in Europe, Latin America, North America, and, most recently, Asia. Hundreds of graduates are now working as supply chain professionals in a wide cross-section of industries.

There have been so many developments on the educational front within the SCALE Network that we decided to update our readers by publishing this special issue of Frontiers. We hope that you will find the articles informative. Please direct any queries you may have about individual programs to the contact person listed at the end of each article. For general inquiries about this newsletter, please contact the editor.


A New Class of Professionals
If you could travel forward in time to meet successful supply chain managers, what kind of people would they be? In all likelihood, these individuals would possess both “hard” and “soft” skills, and would be as comfortable working across countries as they are across organizations.

Reshaping the Education Supply Chain
Fashioning a talent pipeline that meets current and future needs in the rapidly changing supply chain field is a tough challenge. The MIT Global SCALE Network has developed a blueprint for the educational section of the pipeline.

MISI’s Asian Master Class
The Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation is developing a curriculum for its new Master of Science in Supply Chain Management that combines leading-edge western practices with teachings on Asia’s dynamic supply chains.

Models of Excellence in Latin America
Three years after it was introduced the Graduate Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (GCLOG) program has advanced supply chain education in the region on a number of levels. Now the program is looking to expand its footprint.


Exec Ed Latin America Set for May Launch

Supply Chain Network Survey Request

New Course for Crisis Responders

Prize Posters

ZLOG Student on Winning Energy Team

Summer Date for Executives at MIT CTL

MIT SUPPLY CHAIN FRONTIERS Education Issue, February 2012
Editor: Ken Cottrill
Associate Editor:Tara Faulkner
Web Communications Manager: Sharon Sbarsky
© 2012 MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics. Please contact the editor for usage permissions.
