New Light on the Trailblazers
Supply chain innovation is a common topic of discussion in industry circles – but how many practitioners can actually define the term? A research project at the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics will help companies pinpoint what an innovative supply chain is and how it can be developed.
Are You in the Right Locations?
When a large-scale disruption hits a supply chain, the location of facilities such as warehouses and plants is critical to how well the distribution network functions during the crisis. Finding these optimum locations is the subject of research that involves the Zaragoza Logistics Center.
Q&A: Driving Professional Development
What skills does the modern supply chain leader need, and how can the profession attract more women? These are some of the questions addressed by Christine Krathwohl, Executive Director, Global Logistics and Containers, General Motors, in an exclusive Frontiers Q&A.
Remedies for Drug Expiry Issues
An obstacle to delivering urgently needed humanitarian supplies of medicines is product expiry dates, because drugs that have exceeded their shelf lives are no longer usable. The Zaragoza Logistics Center is exploring possible solutions to this important issue.
Making Way for Megacity Supply Chains
Their sheer size and complexity will reshape global operations over the next few decades, yet megacity supply chains are not well understood. The Megacity Logistics Lab, a new research facility at the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics, will fill some of these knowledge gaps with a number of projects that build on work carried out by the Center for Latin American Logistics Innovation.
Small Businesses Play a Big Role in Asia
Asia’s economic miracle has attracted much attention, but the vital importance of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) to the region’s growth is often overlooked. The Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation plans to launch a research project on the unique supply chain challenges facing Asian SMEs.
Rich Agenda for ZLC Finance Event
May Deadline for Malaysia Master’s Program
MISI Courses Cover Supply Chain
Supply Chain Frontiers #45 Presentations 2012
Supply Chain Frontiers #45 Publications 2012
Editor: Ken Cottrill
Associate Editor: Tara Faulkner
Web Manager: Sharon Sbarsky