Supply Chain Frontiers Issue #56



The Power of Skunk Works to Ignite Innovation
Unofficial projects to turn ideas into new products and processes, popularly known as skunk works, can be an important source of innovation with the right support, argues Peter Gloor, a research scientist at MIT’s Center for Collective Intelligence. He will explain how companies can harness this underused resource at the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics’ Crossroads 2015 conference, March 24, 2015.

How New Trucking Rules in Brazil Are Driving Change
In response to new regulations pertaining to truck driver working hours in Brazil, PepsiCo carried out a major review of its freight network that has led to significant change. A keystone project for the Graduate Certificate in Logistics & Supply Chain Management (GCLOG) program offered by the Center for Latin-American Logistics Innovation, analyzes the company’s strategy.

Will Reverse Factoring Cause the Next Financial Bubble?
In the wake of the 2008 financial meltdown, many small- and large-sized companies in Europe have used reverse factoring to access scarce capital. The method, which uses the credit rating of large buyers to persuade banks to lend money to small companies, poses serious structural risks, warns Professor Alejandro Serrano, Professor of Supply Chain Management, MIT-Zaragoza International Logistics Program.

Speed Bumps on the Road to Growth for China’s 3PLs

The third-party logistics provider industry in China is experiencing strong growth, and the government is actively encouraging its expansion. However, a study that involved the Malaysia Institute for Supply Chain Innovation has identified some problems that could impede the growth of Chinese 3PLs.

Crossroads 2015 to Showcase MIT Innovations That Shape Supply Chains
Research Expo a Global Window on Supply Chain Research
ZLC and Feng University Offer Joint Degree
Big Data Exec. Course Available from ZLC
MISI Delivers Training Program to Maersk Recruits

Supply Chain Frontiers #56 Presentations 2015
Supply Chain Frontiers #56 Publications 2015

MIT SUPPLY CHAIN FRONTIERS Issue # 56, Winter 2015

Editor: Ken Cottrill
