The MIT-Zaragoza Medal of Distinction

Dr. Paul R. Kleindorfer receives the first MIT-Zaragoza Medal of Distinction

Paul Kleindorfer receives the Academic Medal of  Distinction from Santiago Kraiselburd, Executive Director at ZLC

During yesterdays PhD Summer Academy sessions in Zaragoza, the first MIT-Zaragoza Academic Medal of Distinction was awarded and presented to Paul R. Kleindorfer after he gave his talk on “Themes and Paradigms in Management Sciences — the past 50 years”.

The MIT-Zaragoza Medal of Distinction has been created to recognize and acknowledge excellence in teaching, research and practice within the field of Operations Research and Managementand is awarded by a panel of professors drawn from the MIT-Zaragoza Program and ZLC´s other academic partners.

There are two separate categories:

  1. Academic: for Theoretical Contribution in the field of Operations Research and Management (research oriented)
  2. Practitioner: for Dissemination of Operations Research and Management Techniques (Application, teaching, divulgation, etc.). The recipient of this category is still to be determined

Paul R. Kleindorfer Bio

Dr. Kleindorfer is Paul Dubrule Professor of Sustainable Development & Distinguished Research Professor in Technology and Operations Management at INSEAD. He is also the Anheuser-Busch Professor Emeritus of Management Science at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Kleindorfer was a faculty member at Wharton from 1973 to 2006. He graduated with distinction (B.S.) from the U. S. Naval Academy in 1961.

He studied on a Fulbright Fellowship in Mathematics at the University of Tübingen, Germany (1964/65), followed by doctoral studies at Carnegie Mellon University, from which he received his Ph.D. in 1970 in Systems and Communication Sciences at the Graduate School of Industrial Administration. Before joining INSEAD in 2006, Dr. Kleindorfer held university appointments at Carnegie Mellon University (l968/9), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1969/72), The Wharton School (1973 – 2006), and several universities and international research institutes, including the University of Frankfurt, INSEAD, Ulm University, IIASA and The Science Center (Berlin). Dr. Kleindorfer has published over 25 books and many research papers in the areas of risk management, managerial economics and regulation. His most recent book, The Network Challenge, co-authored with Jerry Wind (Wharton Publishing, 2009) examines global interdependencies arising from the network economy. Dr. Kleindorfer’s current research is on carbon-leveraged investments arising from legislation and regulations to mitigate the consequences of industrial activity on the biosphere and climate.
