The recent launch of the CORE project emphasizes the economic importance of creating secure supply chains whilst maintaining or improving business performance


The CORE project (Consistently Optimised Resilient Secure Global Supply-Chains) will consolidate, extend and demonstrate EU knowledge and capability and international co-operation to secure supply chains whilst maintaining or improving business performance, with specific reference to key Supply Chain Corridors. CORE will be driven by the requirements of:

  • the business communities, specifically shippers, forwarders, terminal operators, carriers and financial stakeholders to integrate compliance and trade facilitation concepts, such as green lanes and pre-clearance with supply chain visibility and optimization.
  • the Customs, law enforcement authorities, and other agencies nationally and internationally to increase effectiveness of security & trade compliance, without increasing the transaction costs for business, and to increase co-operative security risk management (supervision & control); 

CORE will consolidate solutions developed in Reference Projects in each supply chain sector (port, container,air, post). Implementation-driven R&D will then be undertaken, designed to uncover gaps and practical problems and to develop possible solutions that could achieve substantial and sustainable progress in supply chain security across all EU Member States and globally. 

Zaragoza Logistics Center plays a key role in this project through its coordination of three European demonstrators that involve key industrial players such as Procter & Gamble, BSH Electrodomésticos España, DHL Exel Supply Chain, and Maersk Line Denmark. These demonstrators involve all transport modes (air, maritime, rail and road) and address global supply chain issues related to product integrity due to high/low temperatures during transportation across the globe, design of hardware components to be embedded along the supply chain containers, to obtain a comprehensive implementation security contribution aimed at protecting cargo, and the development and maintenance of security practices, using a system based risk assessment approach to supply chain management through increased SC visibility. 

For further information please contact Jeanett Bolther [email protected].
