Prof. Dr.-Ing. Payam Dehdari, from the University of Applied Sciences in Stuttgart, is a Visiting Professor at ZLC. See profile on Linkedin
“What I particularly like about working at ZLC is the family environment and the fast and short decision-making processes”
Could you briefly describe yourself?
I am a Professor for sustainable logistics with broad experience in logistics, operations and production. I am specialist in the variation of calculation CO2 emission in freight transport.
Before my academic career, I was several years with a multinational company. My last responsibility was to steer as a director, a large logistics international production network of thirteen plants on four continents.
During your stay, you worked with ZLC Professor Dr. Beatriz Royo on a City Logistic Project. How was your experience? Has it had a direct impact on your research?
It massively broadens my perspective. For example, we work in the city of Bogota, whose framework conditions are different from cities in Germany. But what I particularly like about working at the ZLC is the family environment and the fast and short decision-making processes.
How important is the practical application of your research in general?
I think the world, and Spain in particular, is realizing that something is changing with the climate. The main cause are CO2 emissions, which increase the greenhouse gas effect. By calculating exactly where they arise, companies can derive more effective measures to counteract them. For example, better utilization of truck capacity. In doing so, you not only fulfill your social responsibility but also save money.
How has been the experience of interacting with the Research group of ZLC? Do you have any fond memories to take away with you?
Absolutely. I also had the opportunity to teach and was thrilled by how helpful my colleagues were during the preparations. Also the discussions with the students were on a very high level. You can tell that they have a lot of experience from all over the world. At the same time, each discussion also brings a wide range of arguments and opinions.
Will the relationship between ZLC and your institution continue in the near future? How?
I would love to but we did not fix right now a specific subject. First I need to deliver the agreed goals and then we will see.
It seems that Zaragoza lifestyle has hitched you! Are you excited about the idea of another stay at ZLC?
If you look to Spain from Germany, the cities of Barcelona and Madrid are often mentioned. Of course also Mallorca. Zaragoza is rather less talked about and I think unfounded and undeserved. But at the same time it makes Zaragoza so authentic and appealing to me. Therefore, I am happy if there could be the opportunity again sometime soon.