Analysis of accessibility and efficiency of operations in intermodal interchange nodes and logistics platforms



Official reference: PT-2007-042-15CCSM

Funding Body: Centro de estudios y experimentación de obras públicas (CEDEX)

Type of Funding: Public

Main Researcher: Susana Val

Other Researchers: María Pérez, Samir Kattour, Santiago Kraiselburd, Fernando Liesa

Term: 04/12/2007 – 05/03/2010

Link to Project Website:

Project Description

The objective is to improve accessibility to modal intermodal interchange centres and logistics platforms, public and private, in order to decongest bottlenecks and overcome the lack of integration between the participating agents, thus achieving a more fluent, quick, flexible and sustainable door-to-door intermodal transport.

The project includes (i) analysing the current problems of accessibility and operations that affect efficiency, speed, productivity and capacity problems of the intermodal interchange centres and logistic platforms and (ii) drawing up a series of shared methodological criteria to optimise accessibility such as establishing the optimal location, dimension, technology resources and infrastructure, communication standards and integration of processes and information systems among the agents of the chain. These results shall be applied in pilot experiences with public and private companies participating in the project. The final destination of the results shall be the logistics sector: loaders, shippers, logistics operators, logistics platforms, transport infrastructures and terminals and public administrations, which will have a series of tools for decision making involving comprehensive planning of logistics infrastructures in national territory.

The main objective of the project is to address the problems of access to these infrastructures (intermodal interchange centres) in order to establish a set of guidelines that will allow us to optimize this connectivity process. These guidelines we refer to, which would constitute the main output of the project, are intended to serve as advice both for the Administrations regarding the economic and social organization of their territory and for the logistics sector regarding rationalization and optimization of the processes carried out in the platforms, as well as their standardization.

Participating Organizations

  • Coordinador: instituto Tecnológico del Embalaje, Transporte y Logística (ITENE)
  • Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC)
  • Plataforma Logística de Zaragoza, S.A. (PLAZA)
  • Foundation of the Region of Valencia for research, promotion and commercial studies of Valenciaport (Fundación Valenciaport)
  • Centre d´innovació del transport (CENIT)
  • Universidad de Sevilla (US)
  • Fundación Centro Tecnológico en logística Integral Cantabria (CTL- Cantabria)
  • Agencia pública de Puertos de Andalucía (APPA)
