Definition of a Spanish Network of Logistics Platforms


Acronym: RELOG

Official reference: P21/08

Funding Body: Ministry of Development

Type of Funding: Public

Main Researcher: Susana Val

Other Researchers: Diego Chocarro, Samir Kattour, Mustafa Çagri Gürbüz, Daniel Betrán

Term 05/01/2009 – 04/01/2012

Project Description

This projects aims to design a coordinated system of logistics platforms, integrated within the set of Spanish infrastructures, which will allow a planned development in accordance with the requirements of the production sector. Based on a diagnosis of the current situation and a detailed analysis of the economic and functional synergies, and once the design criteria have been defined, a proposal for a Spanish Network of Logistics Platforms will be set forth.

The working methodology includes, firstly, a review and evaluation of the Spanish logistics structure, comparing it with the international structure and analysing the regulatory framework in which it is set. Subsequently, the project will identify and verify the economic and functional synergies in order to come up with a diagnosis of the possible bottlenecks affecting the network coordination, proposing new mechanisms to make the most of those synergies. For its part, the analysis of the production and consumption centres by means of gravity equations and modelling trade flows will complement the necessary inputs to define the criteria for building the network and optimising the process as a whole.

The expected results of the project are in two fields. On the one hand, in terms of social and economic development, a network of logistics platforms contributes to economic, business and social development, both globally and regionally. On the other hand, it promotes the transformation of the logistics sector with an increasing implementation of advanced technologies in the management, storage, materials handling, control and monitoring of goods. In this regard, the platforms help reduce the dispersion of transported goods flows, channelling the traffic and enabling grouping of the goods and optimising routes and vehicle loads. In addition, the intermodal function of some platforms makes it possible to promote the transfer between different modes of transport. All these factors have relevant effects for the efficiency of the Spanish production sectors and leads to a global improvement in competitiveness in the way goods are positioned in national and international markets.

Participating Organizations

  • Coordinator: Universitat Jaume I (UJI)
  • Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC)
  • Instituto tecnológico deI embalaje, transporte y logística (ITENE)
  • Fundación de la comunidad valenciana para la investigación. Promoción y estudios comerciales de Valenciaport (Fundación Valenciaport)
  • Universitat de Valencia (UVEG)
  • Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV)
  • Valencia plataforma intermodal logística (VPI Logística)
  • Puerto Seco de Madrid, S.A.
  • Madrid Plataforma Logística (MPL)
  • Asociación CYLOG
