Efficient micro-consolidation centers for sustainable urban freight distribution


Project Reference: IPT-2011-2006-370000

Acronym: MEDUSA

Main Researcher: Mario Monsreal

Funding Body: Ministry of Science and Innovation (INNPACTO 2011)

Type of Funding: Public

Start Date: 04-05-2011

End Date: 31-12-2014


The project aims to propose an innovative action in the field of urban freight distribution, which will improve the productivity of transport companies and reduce the flow of heavy vehicles in the city center: the use of urban micro-consolidation centers.

The overall objective of this project is to design a tool for decision support (Decision Suport System, DSS) for the implementation of Micro-Consolidation Centers for Goods (MCG). The DSS will contain a module that will merge the physical design (location and size of the MCG) and operations management. A second module will determine the optimal business model for financial management of the center to ensure it solvency. The objectives will be achieved by the use of scientifically tested methodologies and will enable the estimation of the impacts on different agents in different particular application scenarios.


Participant Organizations

  • Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC)
  • DHL Supply Chain
