Energy, Environmental and Economic Optimization of Logistics Process Management


Funding Body: Government of Aragon
Type of funding: Public
Main Researcher: Susana Val
Start date: 1/05/15
End date: 31/10/2016
Duration: 18 months

Project description

LOGIPRO-CONTROL it is an R & D technological Research Project that integrating the research & Knowledge generated by the development of its predecessor, CO2Logistic project, will expand its capabilities and scope so as to  bring to market a new tool not only limited to the calculation of the carbon footprint but aiming at providing  the logistics sector an overview of their processes and adopt strategies to allow optimization and reduction measures at economic, environmental and management levels.

The general objective of the project is to design an effective management tool for CO2 emissions in logistics processes, allowing monitoring, optimization and simulation of any of the parameters involved in them, so that the end user can take strategic decisions based on these parameters with qualitative and quantitative criteria enabling emissions minimization.

Participant entities



Contact data

For further information, please contact:
Dr. Susana Val, Principal Investigator
[email protected]

