Grants for research of Excellence, Ramón y Cajal program 2022 for talent development, attraction and retention

Project number: RYC-2022-037650-I
Funding Body: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities – State Research Agency. Co-financed by the European Union
Type of funding: Public
Main Researcher: Aldo Arranz
Start date: 01/01/2024
End date: 31/12/2028
Duration: 60 months


Project description

Ramón y Cajal funding program has the objective to train new generations of researchers through their incorporation into the university, scientific and industry sectors, as well as the mobility of researchers in the public and private sectors.
Candidates are selected along researchers with an outstanding career in different thematic areas, encouraging profiles that have been developing a certain period of their career abroad and are aligned with the objectives of the Plan for attracting and retaining scientific and innovative talent to Spain. This funding has been granted in the area of ​​Social Sciences – Geography, and within its framework, the social and territorial effects of accessibility and mobility will be analyzed.
The activities to be carried out include the transfer of results through the publication of research articles in open access journals, participation in congresses and conferences, research stays in reference centers with the aim of promoting collaboration with other centers of excellence, as well as the leadership of projects funded within the framework of the State Plan for Scientific, Technical and Innovation Research, and the participation in European research projects.



  • Zaragoza Logistics Center, Spain


Contact data:

For more information about the project, please contact:

Aldo Arranz, Principal Investigator, [email protected]

This action is part of the grant RYC202-037650-I, funded by MCIU/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the ESF+

