Logistics and supply chain management


Official reference: FMI057/09

Funding Body: Government of Aragón

Type of Funding: Public

 Main Researcher: Mozart Menezes

Other Researchers: Rongbing Huang

Term: 01-05-2010 a 31-07-2010



This proposed research will be joint work with Professor Mozart Menezes at ZLC. The models that we investigate will be important extensions of the much-studied simple plant location problem. Through presenting at some conference and publishing on some international journal, we believe that the result of this proposed research will have an impact on the academic society and that it will provide some new method on the investment decision in practice.

The overall objective of the proposed research is to develop a systematic approach to determine the number, location, and capacities of stores. More specifically, we will develop optimization models and algorithms by which

• Optimal or near optimal solution can be found quickly

• Parametric analysis can be carried easily

• Managerial insights are provided on the network design of the company


Participating Organizations

Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC)
