Project for the Promotion of Spanish Companies’ Competitiveness through Logistics as a Strategic Factor in a Global Environment


Official reference: PSE-370500-2006-1.
Funding Body: Ministry of Education and Ministry of Science and Innovation
Type of Funding: Public
Main Researchers: María Jesús Sáenz, Fabrizio Salvador, Jesús Royo, Susana Val, Prashant Yadav, Fernando Liesa
Other Researchers: Richard Pibernik, Jarrod Goentzel, Santiago Kraiselburd, María Hernández, Björn Claes, Desiree Knoppen, Jeanett Bolther, Fernando Roldán, Amir Samii, Mustafa Çagri Gürbüz, Ana María Rivas, Hersmat Birjandi, Paula Fernández, Jesús Loyola, Daniel Betrán, Víctor Domínguez.
Term: 01/09/2006-31/12/2010

Project Description

The main goal of this project is to increase the level of competitiveness of Spanish companies through the development of knowledge, methodologies and practices within the field of logistics, exploiting the use of information and communication technologies at the service of increased supply chain efficiency in a globalised environment.

The project includes basic research on techniques and methods to improve the efficiency of supply chains and transport networks both from a perspective of current technology proposals and through a prospective technological view of logistics in 15 years down the line.

In addition, the project includes coordinated development of several sub-projects to globally address globally the optimization of all the mechanisms that take part in the management of the logistics processes in the different types of Supply Chains, such as industrial production and consumer sectors. The project addresses in detail the modelling and simulation of Supply Chain behaviour with a view to optimising it, the development of advanced tools for supply chain management, as well as tools to increase the visibility of the flows by the agents of the factors necessary for an agile and efficient management of the processes. From a more macroeconomic point of view, current logistics infrastructures are analysed on a national scale and tools are developed to analyse the impact of infrastructure on logistics efficiency in order to facilitate decision-making for companies with regard to the design of their supply and distribution networks. Lastly, a series of practices and methodologies shall be developed to be applied by the companies with a view to achieving better environmental sustainability of logistics processes, specifically of what is known as Reverse Logistics.

Participating Organizations

  • Coordinator: Instituto Tecnológico del embalaje, transporte y logística (ITENE)
  • Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC)
  • Instituto de Empresa; S.L. (IE)
  • Centro de Investigación Gestión e Ingeniería de Producción (CIGIP)
  • Fundación Centro Tecnológico en Logística Integral Cantabria (CTL)
  • Universidad de Cantabria (UC)
  • Universidad de Oviedo (UNIOVI)
  • Robotiker – Tecnalia
  • Instituto Tecnológico de Aragón (ITA)
  • Universidad de Zaragoza (UNIZAR)
  • European Virtual Engineering (EUVE)
  • Instituto Portuario de Estudios y Cooperación de la Comunidad Valenciana (FEPORTS)
  • Universidade de A Coruña (UdC)
  • Foundation of the Region of Valencia for research promotion and commercial studies of Valenciaport (Fundación VALENCIA PORT)
  • Fundación Ecolec
  • Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT)
  • Fundación ICIL
  • Institut d’Estudis Territorials
  • Port of Santander
  • Zalia (Area of Logistics Activities of Asturias
  • Gijón Port Authority
  • Consum S. Coop.
  • Transfrigo Canarias, S.A.
  • Soluciones de Nuevas Tecnologías S.L., (NextPoint Solutions)
  • Ulma manutención, S Coop.
  • Ice Cream Factory Comaker, S.A.
  • Hapag-Lloyd Spain
  • China Shipping Spain Agency S.L.
  • Raminatrans S.L.
  • AR Sistemas, S.A.
  • Echeverría Construcciones Mecánicas, S.A.
  • Itesal, S.L.
  • Gefco España S.A.
  • European Bulk Handling Installation, S.A. (EBHI)
  • European Virtual Ingineering Fundazioa
  • Mars España
  • Docks Comerciales de Levante, S.A.
  • Leroy Merlin, S.L.U.
  • Centro de Investigación Energética, Medioambiental y Tecnológica (CIEMAT)
  • Norbert Dentressangle Gerposa S.A.
