Smart Supply Chain Oriented Rail Freight Services


Acronym: Smart-Rail
Project Number: 636071
Funding body: European Commission, Horizon 2020
Type of Funding: Public
Main Researcher: Susana Val
Other Researchers: María Jesús Sáenz, Jesús Fernando Roldán, Milos Milenkovic
Start date: 01/05/2015
End date: 30/04/2018
Duration: 3 years

Project Description

The overall objective of Smart-Rail is: To improve the freight rail services offered to the shippers, focusing on the five key performance indicators: reliability, lead time, cost, flexibility and visibility.

Smart-Rail has established the following sub-objectives:

•    Introduce a wide set of innovative measures aiming to improve the freight rail services offered to the shippers.
•    Contribute to a mental-shift of the rail sector towards a client-oriented and supply chain focus.
•    Develop working business models for cooperation of different stakeholders.
•    Develop a methodology and architecture for exchange of data/information required for the optimization process, between stakeholders, making use of existing initiatives where available (for instance the European Corridor Management and national logistical information centers).
•    Establish and maintain communication with the different levels of stakeholders
•    Establish three Living Labs that each focus on different aspects and markets and implement the developed tools, methodologies and concepts. The purpose of the Living Labs is to test and improve the innovative measures created in a real life situation. Specific and more dedicated business models, information systems and new rail services will be tested.

The living labs to be implemented are:

•    Living Lab 1: Dedicated services; Wagonload trains.
•    Living Lab 2: Managing connectivity of rail with other transport modes; Control tower for long distance rail freight transport.
•    Living Lab 3: Reliability of rail and (unexpected) obstructions on the track; Betuwe route (Rotterdam-Genoa corridor).

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Project Partners:

•    Uniresearch B.V.
•    Panteia B.V.
•    Railistics GmbH
•    TOI – Transport Okonomisk Institut
•    BD Rail Services
•    ProRail B.V.
•    Port of Rotterdam
•    Seacon (NL & IT)
•    ederlog UG
•    TankMatch Rail
•    ecco-rail GmbH
•    ABIRAIL CZ s.r.o.
•    H-LOG
•    ECG – European Car-Transport Group of Interest
•    CER Cargo Holding SE
•    ITC – Institute of Transport and Communications

Contact Details

For further information about the project, please contact:
Dr. Susana Val Blasco, Main Researcher
[email protected]

“This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Grant Agreement No 636071.”