The Agents that make up the air freight transport chain


Official reference:125/08

Funding Body: Ministry of Development

Type of Funding: Public

Main Researcher: Susana Val

Other Researchers: María Perez, Diego Chocarro, Sira Marqueta, Clara García, Noelia Mayoral, Sergio Fernández, Santiago Kraiselburd, Daniel Betrán

Term: 12/03/2009 – 12/03/2009

Project Description

The project was a seminar regarding national air freight from the point of view of the logistics experiences of several companies and agents belonging to the air logistics chain on issues regarding goods freight and transportation.

The seminar analysed the operative system of the different agents taking part in air freight transportation, who spoke about the management and operational side that is their competence, as well as the experiences and operational systems in the different tasks involved.

Given its training nature, the seminar was aimed mainly at professionals interested or already in the air freight business and masters or postgraduate students with knowledge of the air sector.

Participating Organizations

  • Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC)
  • The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Zaragoza, through the donation of a room to hold the seminar
