Urciuoli, L. Hintsa, J. Adapting supply chain management strategies to security – an analysis of existing gaps and recommendations for improvement, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, Vol. 20 (3), 2017, pp. 276-297
By Dr. Luca Urciuoli
Urciuoli, L. and Hintsa, J. Differences in security risk perceptions between logistics companies and cargo owners. International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 27 (2), 2016, pp. 418 – 437
Urciuoli, L. What are the causes of transport insecurity? Results from a survey with transport operators. Transport Policy, Vol. 47, April 2016, pp. 189–202
Urciuoli, L. Port security training and education in Europe—a framework and a roadmap to harmonization. Maritime Policy & Management, Vol. 43 (5), July 2016, pp. 580-596
Urciuoli, L. Cyber-Resilience: A Strategic Approach for Supply Chain Management. Technology Innovation Management Review, Vol. 5 (4), April 2015, pp. 13–18
Acronym: COREProject Reference: FP7-SEC-2013-1 Project Number: 603993 Funding body: European Commission, 7th Framework Programme Type of Funding: Public Main Researcher: Mustafa Çagri Gürbüz Other Researchers: Luca Urciuoli, Spyros Lekkakos Start date: 01/05/2014 End date: 30/04/2018 Duration: 4 years CORE presented at Intermodal Europe 2014 – Press release Website Newsletter CORE Newsletter – Dic 2014 CORE […]
Sáenz, M.J. and Revilla E., Creating More Resilient Supply Chains. MIT Sloan Management Review, Summer issue, June 2014, 55 (4), pp 22-24
Revilla E. and Sáenz, M.J., Supply Chain Disruption Management: Global Convergence vs. National Specificity, Journal of Business Research, Vol 67 (2014) pp 1123-1135. June 2014
Sáenz, M.J. and Revilla E., Case Study: Cisco Systems, inc., Supply Chain Risk Management. In Chuck Munson (Ed.), The Supply Chain Management Casebook: Comprehensive Coverage and Best Practices in SCM, Financial Times Press. Winner of the Case Writing Award, 2013 by EFMD.
Revilla E. and Sáenz, M.J. A Taxonomy of Supply Chain Risk Management Strategies: Antecedents and Performance. 2013 Best Paper Award, International Decision Science Institute Conference 2013
Sáenz, M.J. and Revilla, E. A Case Study in Proactive Risk Management. MIT Supply Chain Frontiers, 49, May 2013
Acronym: SAFEPOST Official reference: 285104 Funding body: European Commission, 7th Framework Programme Type of funding: Public Main Researcher: Mozart Menezes Other Researchers: Mustafa Çagri Gürbüz, María Jesús Sáenz, Luca Urciuoli Duration (1-04-2012 to 31-03-2016): 48 months Project Description SAFEPOST aims to raise the current level of postal security by integrating innovative screening solutions suitable for […]
Revilla, E. and Sáenz, M.J. Challenges in supply chain disruptions (In Spanish). Estrategia, N. 6, 2011
Revilla, E. and Sáenz, M.J. Challenges in supply chain disruptions (In Spanish). Estrategia, N. 6, 2011
Revilla, E. and Sáenz, M.J. How do you manage supply chain disruptions? (Spanish). América Economía, October 2011
Acronym: CASSANDRA Official reference: 261795 Funding Body: European Commission – 7th Framework Programme Type of Funding: Public Main Researcher: Mario Monsreal Barrera Other Researchers: Mustafa Çagri Gürbüz Term: 3 years Project Description The challenges facing international intermodal container logistics are efficiency and security. These seemingly conflicting issues have a common solution: supply chain visibility, […]
Sáenz M.J., Lambán M.P., y Navarro E. Flexible Supply Chains: A Boost for Risk Mitigation? In S.T. Ponis (Ed.), Managing Risk in Virtual Enterprise Networks: Implementing Supply Chain Principles, IGI Global, 2010
Sheffi, Y. The Resilient Enterprise: Overcoming Vulnerability for Competitive Advantage, MIT Press, September 2005
Sheffi, Y. The Resilient Enterprise: Overcoming Vulnerability for Competitive Advantage, MIT Press, September 2005