Testimonial Category: ZLOG

Nadja Gassner, ZLOG 2019

“During the ZLOG we learn about analytical methods, supply chain concepts that we apply in practical thesis projects. This is what makes the knowledge realistic to me”.

Luis Racca, ZLOG 2018

“Having studied at ZLC has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It’s a short but intensive program that pays back quite fast. Its industry experienced faculty, multicultural class and connections with most important companies in Europe, were a natural environment that boosted my career”.

Ann Allen, ZLOG 2009

“ZLOG exposed me to the intersection of supply chain and health and humanitarian relief, which shaped my decision to join Doctors without Borders after graduation, and continues to shape what I do today.” Read success story

Pavel Volosciuc, ZLOG 2011

“ZLOG provides unmatched end-to-end knowledge of supply chain management concepts and gives students the practice grounds to learn how to effectively work in diverse teams.” Read success story

Ludovic Bernard

Ludovic Bernard, ZLOG 2016

“The Supply Chain Finance course taught at ZLC helps to understand the financial aspect behind the importance of cash flows, and offer valuable solutions to our clients and transporters.” Read success story
