Aragón organizes the Supply Chain and Logistics Innovation Week


From 21st to 25th October 2013, Zaragoza will host follow-up meetings for the major European projects underway in logistics and supply chain innovation, in addition to the sixth edition of the only European conference in this field, the European Conference on ICT for Transport Logistics (ECITL), which is being organized this year by the Aragon Technology Institute (ITA) and the Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC) in cooperation with the Austrian university FH Vorarlberg University.

The week will end with the institutional celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Zaragoza Logistics Center, local government and European Commission representatives. A debate on the challenges facing Aragon in the area of logistic innovation will follow their speeches with the participation of the highest authorities from firms and institutions operating in the region.

As part of the smart specialization strategy set out by the EU (RIS3), the Department of Industry and Innovation of the Government of Aragon has identified various key areas for territorial economic improvement and transformation. These include logistic innovation which has been established as a fundamental differentiating factor for regional competitiveness. And that is why Aragon is promoting different initiatives to facilitate innovation in logistics and the supply chain. With a research institution like the Zaragoza Logistics Center (ZLC), which was created in collaboration with the world leader in this area: the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics, a logistic cluster (ALIA), an ICT logistics demonstration center under the ITA and the international forum PILOT, Aragon is strongly committed, through the government, the R+D centers and industry, to becoming a reference point in logistic innovation. The activities to be carried out throughout the week of 21st to 25th October reflect the regional commitment to logistic innovation as a tool for growth and development.


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Zaragoza Logistics Center, a University of Zaragoza institute, which relies on the collaboration of the world’s leader in the subject, the Center for Transportation and Logistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), has been carrying out research and training programs for a decade which contribute to changes in production systems through its R+D+i and, on the other hand, train highly qualified personnel both locally and across the globle. Since its creation, Zaragoza Logistics Center has contributed to the industrial expansion and economic diversification of Aragon by providing highly qualified labor and transferring knowledge to companies set up at PLAZA and throughout the region.

The Aragon Institute of Technology (ITA) depends on the Department of Industry and Innovation of the Government of Aragon. Its objective is the promotion of research, development and innovation (R+D+i) in the business sector, acting as a catalyst for productivity and competitiveness.The Logistic Division of the Aragon Technology Center (ITA) is recognized by the Spanish Ministry as the National Center of Knowledge in the application of ICT in the field of logistics and with the objective of generating, adapting and transfering knowledge, applying ICT to solve logistic problems to develop collaborative and sustainable logistics. ITA also manages the National Public Demonstrator of ICT4Logistics with the aim of offering companies a space to demonstrate how ICT can help to create solutions in the field of logistics.“We guide and help companies, institutions and people to construct a new future of innovation and technological development. Specially in Aragon, Spain and Europe “

Since the year 2000, PILOT has helped position Aragon as a logistic reference. The 13 editions of the Forum have made PILOT a meeting place for successful business experiences with prestigious authorities, experts on competition and opinion leaders from around the world. With 250 speakers from 12 countries and more than 12,000 attending, PILOT is internationally recognized as one of the major supply chain management congresses in the world. Moreover, companies have improved their logistic processes and obtained national and European prizes with the PILOT150 Award. Also featured have been logistic experts, training, open doors days and logistic self-diagnostics.

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